
The Brownwood High School HOSA chapter recently attended the state conference held in Galveston, Texas on April 10th-13th. Fifteen BHS students competed at the state level, and two students qualified for nationals. “The conference is an exciting time for HOSA,” said BHS teacher and HOSA Advisor, Annalyn Deen. “Each year more and more students advance further in their events and this, in turn, helps our organization continue to grow.”

Amelia Collins (Medical Reading) and Steven Arceneaux (Health Care Issues Exam) advanced at the state contest and will compete at nationals in their events.

In addition to the national qualifiers, Alex Hernandez received a state scholarship, and the BHS chapter also received a Certificate of National Recognition for the National Service Project they put together called the Zumba-a-thon, a fundraising campaign for which proceeds were donated to a cure for cystic fibrosis. “This state conference was an amazing experience and it is exciting to watch our kids and chapter expand,” added Health Science Technology teacher and HOSA advisor, Ann Tew. “I couldn’t ask for a better group of students and can’t wait for what the future has in store for Brownwood HOSA.”

Brownwood HOSA students have enjoyed increasing success over the years they have been competing.  “This has been a great year for our HOSA chapter and I am glad to have been a part of leading this organization,” stated BHS HOSA Chapter President, Alex Hernandez. ”I had a blast with everyone and hope they do just as well next year.”

Others students that competed at the state conference were, Alex Hernandez, Gabby Cox, Steven Arceneaux, and Mark Johnson (Health Care Issues Exam), Connor Vara, Jordyn Senkirik, Garrett Barnum, and Steven Arceneaux (Public Service Announcement), Sherlyn Hogue (Researched Prepared Speaking), Priscilla Rodriguez (Clinical Specialty), Alyson Aguirre & Brandon Garcia (Dental Spelling), Taran Cardenas & Jensen Limer (Forensic Medicine), and Brady Taylor (Medical Math).

BHS HOSA students will travel to the HOSA National Convention in Nashville, Tennessee, June 25th-28th.

Pictured at top: Medical Reading National Qualifier Amelia Collins (center) and BHS HOSA advisors Annalyn Deen (left) & Ann Tew (right)


Above: The HOSA State participants from BHS after closing ceremonies.



Steven Arceneaux, BHS HOSA Student and Health Care Issues Exam National Qualifier Alex Hernandez, BHS HOSA Chapter President and State Scholarship Recipient