Brownwood News – The Texas Department of Transportation’s (TxDOT) Brownwood District has named Brownwood High School the first place winner in TxDOT’s annual Project Celebration Public Service Announcement (PSA) Competition.  BHS senior Tim Crawford produced a video PSA to encourage fellow students to drive safely, never drink and drive, or have distractions such as texting while driving.



During the Brownwood Independent School District Board meeting Monday evening, Brownwood High School was presented a $1500 check that will be used to pay costs associated with the BHS Project Graduation, an all-night drug and alcohol-free “party” following prom and graduation ceremonies held at high schools across Texas.  Graduation and prom season is a time when many students face decisions to participate in activities that may involve drugs or alcohol. TxDOT’s PSA competition is a way for students to raise awareness among their peers regarding the tragic consequences that may result from the consumption of alcohol, use of drugs, distracted driving or other dangerous driving behaviors.

The PSA entries were judged by members of TxDOT Brownwood’s DRIVERS Coalition.

Pictured left to right are:  BISD Board Member Tim Jacobs, TxDOT Brownwood District’s Public Information Officer Lisa Tipton and Brownwood High School senior Tim Crawford as the ceremonial check was presented.

TxDOT Brownwood District includes Brown, Coleman, Comanche, Eastland, Lampasas, McCulloch, Mills, San Saba, and Stephens counties.