
The Tea Party Express is on the road for the second time and is making a stop in Abilene Texas for a rally.  A group of participants from Brownwood is planning on traveling to Abilene to be a part of the rally and is looking for interested parties to join their caravan.

Those interested in attending the Tea Party Express Rally in Abilene on Friday, November 6th need to meet in the Commerce Square parking lot promptly at 8 am on that day.  The caravan will travel from there to the rally at Redbud Park in Abilene.  The rally is scheduled to take place between 10am-11:30am.  Participants are encouraged to bring signs and flags.

According to teapartyexpress.org the Tea Party Express is described as follows:

The Tea Party Express national bus tour will host a series of tea party rallies all across the nation from coast-to-coast and border-to-border. The effort will begin in San Diego, California on October 25th and travel eastward, building momentum as the tour reaches its final destination: a giant rally in Orlando, Florida on November 12th.

The tour comes exactly one-year before the November 2010 elections – and this will serve as a “Countdown to Judgment Day” for our elected officials. Those who are not serving in the nation’s best interest will be put on notice: we’re going to hand you a pink slip!

At each stop the tour will highlight some of the worst offenders in Congress who have voted for higher spending, higher taxes, and government intervention in the lives of American families and businesses.  These Members of Congress have infringed upon the freedom of the individual in this great nation, and it’s time for us to say: “Enough is Enough!”