Brownwood News – April is Occupational Therapy month and Camrey Haby is now living out the Occupational Therapy Motto for the year: Living life to its fullest. Like most children, Camrey Haby age 6 enjoys playing with her cousins, but August 17th, 2017 is a memory that brings anxiety for not only her but her mom, Jenifer Haby of Brownwood.



She and several of her cousins were playing inside an old camper trailer and were having so much fun playing house. Camrey turned to exit the camper and accidently missed the solid part of the door. She pushed her left hand through the window of the camper door severing her nerve and tendon of her left hand. She was quickly taken to her mother to assess the injury.  As soon as she saw her daughter, she could tell that she was going into shock.

Camrey was taken by ambulance to the emergency room at Brownwood Regional Medical Center. Upon arrival, Dr. Marlen Strefling, Orthopedic Surgeon was called and she was quickly wheeled to surgery for repair of her left hand main nerve and tendons that were severed in the accident.  Dr. Strefling repaired the nerve and tendon but wanted her to follow up with a neurology visit at the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital in Dallas. An appointment was made and several days later traveled to Dallas.

The Doctor there recommended for the best chances of full recovery that she work on building up her muscle in that hand after the healing process was complete. They came back to Brownwood where they setup occupational therapy sessions.

Camrey was fortunate to have therapy sessions with Jocelyn Seamans, Occupational Therapist. The time they spent together was so very encouraging and it helped Camrey gain confidence and courage to not give in or give up. As a mom, Jenifer was so happy to share that since therapy; Camrey has regained feeling in her entire hand and is able to continue to do the things a now 7 year old little girl should do. Thanks to Jocelyn, Occupational Therapist at the Brownwood Regional Therapy Zone; who helped a very special little girl through her crisis by encouraging her to persevere through the pain for recovery success.