
The Brownwood High School FFA President, Tucker Roberts, outlined the organization’s recent activities in an article submitted to the district.  The full article is featured below.

Without a doubt, the Brownwood FFA has been extremely busy this summer. The National FFA Organization, who has over 600,000 members nationwide, is a student organization whose goal is to promote leadership through agricultural education. At Brownwood High School, this goal is being met with particular fervor.

This spring, Cooper Donathan, was elected Vice-President of the Area IV FFA Association. In addition, Tucker Roberts was elected President of the Cross Timbers District FFA Association.


However, leadership is in ample supply at Brownwood High and the achievements of its FFA members are numerous. This summer, the Brownwood FFA Officers met on the Llano River in Mason County to participate in their first annual officer retreat. They spent the weekend bonding, participating in team building exercises, and planning the upcoming year’s activities.


Soon after, the officers, as well as several other Brownwood FFA members, gathered at the Brownwood 4-H Center to take part in the Area IV FFA Leadership Camp. These students got to meet and interact with their newly elected area officers, as well as a couple of state officers who came to assist in the proceedings. The purpose of Area Leadership Camp is to instill in attending FFA members a spirit of servant leadership. Those who came were blessed to take part in leadership building activities that will be beneficial in their lives for years to come.

Our FFA members were quickly called to use these newfound skills in fundraising efforts, which went towards the organization’s trip to State FFA Convention.  Brownwood High students were up to the challenge, raising over $800, in addition to the money given by the school district, more than enough to get the 17 attending students to Corpus Christi, Texas for the largest gathering of FFA members in the nation.

2015ScienceFairAwardWhile at State Convention, we had the delight of seeing Abby Oines and Dalainy Garza win the Jr. Environmental and Natural Resources Division in the Agri-Science Fair, each winning a $1000 scholarship. In the Agri-Science fair, FFA members propose, experiment, and analyze a scientific research project of their choosing. Upon completion of their experiment, they are expected to write a full scientific report, create visual representations of their data, and give an 8-10 minute presentation of their project as a whole. Just this last week, we confirmed that Dalainy and Abby will have the opportunity to present their project once again at National FFA Convention in Louisville, Kentucky.

Also competing in the Agri-Science Fair was Michaela Smith. In addition, Cooper Donathan, Tucker Roberts, and Graham Sharpe were honored with the highest award given to Texas FFA members: the Lonestar Degree.

Now back home and preparing for the inevitable start of school, the Brownwood FFA and its 256 members are eager to showcase their knowledge, leadership, and excitement in the new 2015-2016 school year.

Pictured at top are FFA members who attended the State Convention.