Brownwood Economic Development Board of Directors Special Called Meeting Jan. 28, 2014

8:00 a.m., Tuesday January 28, 2014

Council Chambers, City Hall
501 Center Avenue, Brownwood, Texas

The proceedings of the meeting will be as follows:

Item 1. Call the meeting to order.

Item 2. The Board will convene into closed Executive Session in the Haynes Conference Room pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 5 51, Govt. Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes Annotated in accordance with the authority contain in the following sections:


Section 551.071 – Deliberation with Attorney; and

Section 551.087 – Deliberation regarding economic development negotiations:

A. Board will deliberate an offer of a financial incentive to agrocery store.

Item 3. The Board will reconvene into Regular Session in the City Council Chambers to consider taking the following action as a result of the Executive Session: Subject to approval of the City Council, the Board may authorize the Executive Director’s signature on an Economic Development Incentive Agreement with United Supermarkets, L.L.C. offering United a financial incentive for infrastructure costs.

Item 4. Adjournment