SantaStockingBrownwood Country Club will host its 1st Annual Jingle Bells for the Children of Brown County Charity Golf Classic on December 15, 2012 benefiting Brown County Toys for Kids.

The tournament will be open to any Brown County resident that would like to support children’s charities.  Play will be in a 4-person scramble format, participants will pick their own foursome.

Entry in the tournament is $85 per person or $340 a team.  Those who bring an unwrapped toy will receive $10 off their entry fee.   Proceeds of the tournament will go to Brown County Toys for Kids.

Hole prizes include Brownwood Country Club Golf Shop credit for Closest to the Hole and Longest Drives.  Tournament Prizes include Brownwood Country Club Golf Shop credit given to the top places in the tournament.

To register for the tournament, please contact the Brownwood Country Club Golf Shop by calling 325-646-1086.