The Brownwood City Council ratified a financial incentive for Wall Moulding and Associates after a presentation by James Campbell, Executive Director of the Brownwood Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) at Tuesday’s Brownwood City Council Meeting.
Wall Moulding plans to expand its product line to include assembled frames. In order to make this expansion, manufacturing equipment is needed, and the expansion will bring new jobs to the area in the form of manufacturing positions according to Campbell.
The incentive being offered to Wall Moulding would be 50% of the cost of the needed machinery (not to exceed $43, 750 to be paid over a 4 year period). The company would be reimbursed annually for the new full time equivalent jobs created within the new company division. The annual reimbursement will be calculated by the total number of new full time equivalent jobs created times $2000 per full time equivalent job. Wall Moulding has indicated that the financial incentive would be utilized to purchase new or more modern manufacturing equipment for the new division.
Other items covered at Tuesday’s City Council meeting:
*Council approved the appointment of City Secretary Christi Wynn as a public information coordinator for the council who will take a training course on the responsibilities of the city and its officers as required by the state.
*Council approved the designation of 10 acres of the Camp Bowie Sports Complex site as “Open Space” as a condition of the Texas Parks & Wildlife Outdoor Recreation Grant. The grant was awarded for $500,000 for the construction of the Camp Bowie Family Aquatic Center and the Camp Bowie Sports Complex.
*Council approved on 2nd & 3rd reading the abandonment of the undeveloped portion of Cottage St., Prater St., and Cary St. including an easement for one of the residents’ sewer lines.
*Council approved two Resolutions and authorized staff to submit grant applications to the West Central Texas COG for a skid steer loader for the Landfill Recycle Center and for composting bins for public use.
*Council approved a resolution authorizing continued participation with the Steering Committee of cities serviced by Oncor. The City of Brownwood is a member of a 1469 member Steering Committee of cities serviced by Oncor.
*Council approved the City Manager’s signature on a professional service contract between Brown County/City of Brownwood for Dr. James Hays, MD to serve as the Public Health Authority. The term of service is extended for 2 more years until June 10, 2012.