The City of Brownwood has officially joined the other Big Country cities of Eastland, Sweetwater, Winters, Breckenridge and Early in banning the substance K-2 with an official ordinance of prohibition. The new ordinance was unanimously approved on second and third readings at Tuesday’s city council meeting.
The K-2 has gained popularity and is sold at several stores in the area. As City Attorney Pat Chessor told council members at a previous council meeting, it is marketed under several names such as Spice, Pep, Fire N’ Ice, Solar Flare, Genie, Diamond, Sage, and K-9.
“What this ordinance will ban is any substance that contains the 5 substances that make up the product along with the plant that is called salvia divinorum, and basically the combination of any of those substances is prohibited in the City of Brownwood after this ordinance is passed,” stated Chesser. “Also, its words would ban any items or pipes that are necessary to smoke or ingest this substance.”
This ordinance prohibits the possession, sale, or use of this substance which would be classified as a Class C Misdemeanor which is punishable with a fine up to $500.
Although several cities in the region have banned the substance, there are a few municipalities that are holding out, waiting for the state legislature to adopt a law that would prohibit the substance statewide.
In other matters on the council agenda:
*Emily Crawford, representing BISD proposed a joint effort by the school district and city departments to work on a program to be called Pride for Areas Surrounding Schools to “help neighborhoods make the grade” with clean up efforts to increase safety and decrease crime in areas where local children attend school.
*Council approved adoption of an ordinance on second and third/final readings approving fiscal year 2009/2010 budget amendments.
*Council approved an ordinance on first reading to amend fiscal year 2010/2011 Fee Ordinance to include Fire Marshal fees. At previous meetings, council approved Memorandums of Understandings with Brown County and the City of Bangs to allow the City Fire Marshal to provide investigation and inspection fees in unincorporated areas of the county and in Bangs. This ordinance will go into effect on November 24, 2010 when second and third readings are approved at the November 24th meeting.
*Council approved on first reading to add two additional alternate members to the Buildings and Standards Commission. This is in order to ensure a quorum when hearings are called which will in turn eliminate time and money being expended when a quorum is not able to be formed.
*An Agreement for Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services by and between Brown County and Powell Professional Services, LLC dba Guarding Emergency Services was ratified by the council as approved by the Brown County Commissioners Court at its November 1, 2010 meeting.
Key terms of the agreement are:
- A 5-year term that is subject to two consecutive automatic 5-year extensions.
- A subsidy payment of $10,800/month for the first 10 months of the agreement and then an increase of 3% to $11,124/month for the remaining two months of 2011, then remaining unchanged through Dec. 31, 2012. The annual compensation will be subject to an increase on January 1st of each year beginning on January 1, 2013.
- Annual company financial statements shall be prepared by a certified public accountant in accordance with GAAP with a letter from the CPA preparing the annual financial statement describing the level of attestation being provided.
*Council approved the amending the agreement between Texas A & M Research Foundation and the City of Brownwood for updating the Comprehensive Plan by changing the payment due date from October 2010 to May 2011. This is due to the professor taking a sabbatical and the project completion being behind schedule
* Council ratified the Mayor’s appointment to the Building and Standards Commission of Carol Spratt to fill the unexpired term of Stephanie Kirbo through December 31, 2012.
*The council ratified the Mayor’s reappointment of the City of Brownwood, Texas Higher Education Facility Corporation. These reappointments included Keith Clark, Greg Dodds, Judy Erhke, Hilton Painter, Richard Porter, Carter Sharpe and Jane West to 2-year terms commencing November 1, 2010 and ending October 31, 2012. The City loaned the Rolling Plains Technical Foundation $1.5 Million in 1999 to construct educational facilities. The merging of the Rolling Plains Technical Foundation into the TSTC Regents Circle must be approved by the Corporation, through approval of the Board of Directors which is comprised of 7 individuals appointed by the city council. All of the above have indicated that they are willing to serve again.