Brownwood News – The Brownwood City Council met on Tuesday morning at the Brownwood Municipal Court in the Law Enforcement Center since the Council Chambers at City Hall are still undergoing renovation.

There were no citizen presentations.

The Council approved, on First Reading, an Ordinance regarding the keeping of chickens in the City Limits of Brownwood.

The Council also approved, on First Reading, an Ordinance revising the City’s animal ordinance regarding rabies vaccinations; dangerous dogs; regulating the care and humane treatment of animals; requiring sanitary conditions for animals and maintenance of the premises upon which they are kept; regulating the confinement of dogs or cats in motor vehicles; prohibiting the defecation by dogs on private or public property.

It was noted the Council may discuss a spay/neuter Ordinance further at the August 27th Council meeting.

The Council also approved awarding a grant writing and administration contract for an anticipated downtown revitalization grant.

The Council authorized the Mayor to sign a rental agreement with Howard Payne University for use of the Coliseum for the 2019/2020 Volleyball and Basketball seasons.

The Council approved action taken by the Brownwood Municipal Development District for a lease of property to TG Mercer for a pipe yard on FM 45.

The Council convened into closed Executive Session in the Jury Room for the purpose of consulting with attorney regarding restrictive covenants on property located at 400 East Commerce. No action was taken once back in open session.