
The Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce held its 7th annual Spring Business Showcase Thursday at the Brownwood Coliseum helping dozens of area businesses connect to hundreds of potential customers.

Fifty-eight local businesses and organizations of all types showed off their products and services to the public during the event and embraced the show’s theme “Superheroes for Success” sporting some elaborate booth displays and superhero costumes.  Over 800 attendees participated in the showcase this year.

Some of these attendees enjoyed four fashion shows on Thursday afternoon with Dazzling Diva’s, Maurice’s, Dot’s Closet Boutique and Tiny Tot’s Trunk showing off current trends.

Most attendees also participated in “Expo Bingo” while they visited with the local businesses for their chance to win prizes including the grand door prize – a home entertainment system.  The winner of that prize will be announced in the next few days.

The Brownwood Chamber will host their next business expo in the fall on September 4th.  The fall showcase will mark its 20th anniversary with a birthday theme with space for 100 vendors.  The Chamber is currently taking reservations for that fall showcase now and encourages local businesses to reserve their spaces early with an expected sold-out show.   Call the Chamber at 325-646-9535 for more information.

Pictured at top are Andrea and Donna having a “super” time in their Brownwood Regional Medical Center booth at the Spring Business Showcase.  BRMC was one of the sponsors of the show.

Below are more photos from the show.

