Stephen_Haynes_2011The Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce will hold their monthly luncheon on Friday, January 17th featuring Brownwood Mayor Stephen Haynes’ annual State of the City presentation.

Mayor Haynes will highlight the city’s accomplishments during 2013 and will look ahead to what the city has planned in the New Year.

Chamber luncheons are open to members, elected officials and guests. Luncheon attendees will meet new members, hear from the sponsor and participate in the drawing for door prizes.

The luncheon will be held Friday, January 17th at the Brownwood Country Club and will cost $12 per person at the door for the buffet lunch. The buffet opens at 11:30 AM and the presentation will begin at noon.

The presenting sponsor for this luncheon is Oncor with Ranger College as the table sponsor.

Go to to register for the luncheon or call 325-646-9535.