Students from the Brownwood High School Band competed at the Region 7 UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest at HPU on Saturday, February 2nd. The students earned 46 medals at this contest and 43 of the students advanced on to the State UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest.
Students that competed at UIL Solo and Ensemble are: Brock Allen, Isabela Avalos, Deanna Barkley, Katherine Bautista, Delaney Bennett, Abigail Benson, Rhonda Bode, Caleb Bostick, Matthew Bryant, Teara Burleson, Taran Cardenas, Jack Carter, Amanda Collins, Jaden Cox, Thomas Dodson, Katy Dolan, Jacob Escobar, Trey Fawcet, Olivia Garcia, Ashleigh Geis, Jacquelyn Gibson, Xana Hammonds, Emily Harding, Jose Hernandez, Lorena Hernandez, Abby Hubbard, Tommy Kerby, Jessica King, Nathan Lacy, Kelsey Leon, Courtney Lindsey, Eddie Mares, Natalie Martinez, Natalie Mayo, Bruce McGaughey, Karissa Means, Lourie Pruett, Zach Ramos, Christopher Rampley, Kelsey Reid, Constance Reynolds, Kristine Rodriguez, Danielle Ryan, Maggie Sanchez, Timothey Sheehan, Tiffany Sikes, Jeffery Smith, Kristen Stanke, Addriana Stokes, Brady Taylor, Adam Tipton, Kalin Young, Mercede Zapata.
Pictured at top: Brownwood High School brass and woodwind players that competed at the UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest
Above: Brownwood High School percussionists that competed at the UIL Solo & Ensemble Contest