ArtAssociationLogoThe Brownwood Art Association invites the general public, all artists, aspiring artists and those simply interested in art, to attend the 1st Thursday gathering on Thursday October 4th from 5-8pm at the Brownwood Art Center located at 215 Fisk Ave.

The event gives the public an opportunity to visit with a featured local artist and view a variety of mediums and styles of featured artwork from some of the art association members.  Artwork will be available for purchase as well.

Jeremy Serna is this month’s featured solo exhibit artist.  Serna is a drawing instructor for the art association, teaching on Tuesday evenings from 6-8pm.

According to art association member Kathryn Jones, “He has a special gift to teach those who claim they can’t draw anything but stick figures to those who just want to refine their skills.”

Serna is a self taught artist with talent in drawing, watercolors, acrylics, as well as free hand air brushing.

The public is invited to come out for a relaxed evening visiting with Jeremy and other association members while enjoying some wine and cheese.