The Brownwood Area Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) announces the second annual FCA Challenge Fundraiser on October 14th to coincide with the District 3-4A football game between the Stephenville Yellow Jackets and the Brownwood Lions to be played in Stephenville at Memorial Stadium at 7:30 pm that night. The purpose of the FCA Challenge Fundraiser is to raise funds for the respective schools’ huddles (meeting groups) to send students to leadership camp and for huddle needs such as Bibles, snacks, drinks, and other necessary items. This fun competition is to create a positive bond between each school and community as athletes compete on the field and spectators donate in the stands.
The FCA Challenge was held Stephenville’s Memorial Stadium last year and saw the Brownwood Area FCA raise $1243 and win the challenge, while the Cross Timbers FCA (Stephenville) raised $950. The Brownwood funds helped support sending 4 students to FCA Camps this past summer. Brownwood High School and Middle School will have containers for donations in the office during the week and designated local FCA students under adult supervision will take donations at the gate, concession stand and stands on the Brownwood side during the 1
st Half. Proceeds are to be counted each quarter and PA announcements to be made on the amount of funds donated at the end of the first quarter, middle of the 2
ndquarter and at the conclusion of halftime for the fundraiser competition between communities. The school attaining the most funds wins the FCA Challenge and will take home the FCA Challenge Trophy to be presented at the end of the game. You can make donations the week of the game (October 10-14) at the office of the respective campuses or by contacting Tony Daniel at
The side challenge between Brownwood Area Director, Tony Daniel, and Stephenville Area Director, Carrie Normand that the representative whose community raises the least amount will wear the opposing community’s school identifiable attire Monday-Friday of the next week will be continued this year.