
Art students from Brownwood Middle School and Early Middle School participated in the “Big Art Day” event for Youth Art Month by having an artist trading card exchange.

Throughout the year students have made artist trading cards – miniature sized artworks, made with the intent of trading them. Each student selected one to send to the other school, and the teachers, Julie Mize (of BMS) and Jacque Rider (of EMS) met to give each other their students’ cards.

On Big Art Day, during their art classes, students were able to choose a trading card from the other school. At BMS, the art students also traded their own cards with each other and made mini-books from marbleized paper, and then glued their collection of cards onto the pages.

“This is the third year that Early and Brownwood Middle School students have done this artwork exchange,” said BMS Art Teacher, Julie Mize.  “Jacque Rider and I like that our students are able to share their artwork with each other. Everyone enjoys seeing what drawings and designs the students have done in both schools.”

At top: Mackenzie Aguirre, Ceasar Rodriguez, and Angela Romero show the cards they chose from Early Middle School.


Above: Jackson Daniel, Belen Martinez, and Jimmy Kniss select their trading cards to send to Early Middle School.


Above: Easton Rios and Reynaldo Villarreal exchange artist trading cards with each other.


Above: Sam Goins and Mason Terrill show each other their finished mini-books with their artist trading cards glued to the pages.