7thgradearticlepicBrownwood’s 7th grade middle school “A” and “B” teams faced Abilene Wylie on Tuesday with two shut out games.

The Lion’s “A” team overpowered Wylie last night in impressive fashion.  The game was never in doubt and the Lions took a knee at the 5 yard line to end the game.

Scoring drive include a 3 yard rushing touchdown by Dustin Evans with a 2 point conversion by Eddie Duque in the 1st quarter.  In the 2nd quarter, Dustin Evans made a 5 yard touchdown run and a successful 2 point conversion.  Also in teh 2nd, Eddie Duque made a successful 5 yard touchdown run with a 2 point conversion by David Jennings.  Dustin Evans made a monster 46 yard rushing touchdown before the half.  David Jennings made a fumble recovery in the end zone for a touchdown in the 3rd quarter.

Brownwood wins 36-0

Outstanding Offensive Players

  • Eddie Duque
  • Matt Merket
  • Trenton Carlton
  • John Mobley
  • Isaac Sanchez
  • Evan Cain
  • Michael Livingston
  • Lucas Shannon
  • Dustin Evans

Outstanding Defensive Players

  • Trenton Carlton
  • Isaac Sanchez
  • Dustin Evans
  • Colten Guidry
  • David Jennings
  • Tyler Jackson
  • Justin Gomez

The Lions 7th grade “B” team completely dominated the Bulldogs last night as well from start to finish as the Lions roared to a 28-0 lead at halftime and coasted to a 28-0 final.

Scoring plays include a 54 rushing touchdown by Joseph Myers with a successful 2 point conversion.  Myers also made another made a 5 yard touchdown run and another 22 yard touchdown run in the second quarter.  Jesse Garcia made a 38 yard interception return for a touchdown in the final seconds of the first half.

Outstanding Offensive Players

  • Sean Ludlow
  • Amador Puentes
  • Joseph Meyers
  • Roger Soto
  • Leo Vargas
  • Quinton Mobley

Outstanding Defensive Players

  • Joseph Meyers
  • Ryan Lewis
  • Carson McAnally
  • Humberto Madera
  • Jesse Garcia

8th Grade games were scheduled as well but had to be cancelled due to weather.