
The girls in Brownie Troop 4044 decided to put their Girl Scout Cookie Fundraiser dollars back into the community this year by purchasing reusable shopping bags to give out at no charge.

The annual Girl Scout Cookie Sale ends March 1st. Troop 4044 will be at Jacob’s Family Pharmacy on Austin Avenue 2-6 p.m. for the next 2 Saturdays and at Walmart February 28thNoon-4 p.m..

The girls will be distributing shopping bags towards the end of March. The slogan is ‘Save The Earth For Me’ and they will personally be decorating each bag with a handprint.

The girls decorated bags for themselves a few weeks ago for a badge project. They were tasked to use the reusable bag instead of getting plastic or paper bags at the store and see how many bags they saved from the landfill in a month. Although the month is not up yet they are already beginning to realize just how much of a difference using reusable bags can make.

Many cities have banned plastic and paper bags in favor of the reusable ones. Some grocery stores encourage the use of reusable bags by offering incentives for customers who use them. The girls plan to visit or write the local grocery chains and ask what they do to encourage recycling. They may even have a few questions for local officials.

The Girl Scout Mission is to build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place. Purchasing cookies and making donations makes it possible to enrich these girl’s lives through scouting.

Pictured are some girls from the troop selling cookies recently in Brownwood.