waterestrictionsThe City of Bangs, Zephyr Water Corporation, and the Brookesmith Special Utility District released their Stage 3 water restrictions on Wednesday, one day after the Cities of Brownwood and Early.  Although Brownwood and Early are enforcing the same restrictions, the other water providers have some specific differences in their new restrictions.

All water resellers have a warning system for water wasting with an eventual disconnection penalty for repeat offenders.  Reconnection penalty fees vary between each city or utility district.  Any questions should be directed to your local water provider.   The following information shows all cities and water supply companies’ guidelines for Stage 3 of their water contingency plan.

The Brown County Water Improvement District has asked all water resellers to enforce outdoor water restrictions to attain at least a 10% decrease in water use.

See full list of outdoor watering restrictions below:



*All personal, outdoor water use is restricted to designated days between 7 pm and 9 am. Designated days as follows:

a. Addresses ending in an odd number water on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday only.

b. Addresses ending in an even number water on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday only.

c. No outside watering on Monday.

*Watering of parks and outside school areas is limited to drip irrigation or handheld hose on

designated days for trees, shrubs and planters.

*Commercial use of water to be reduced 20% of normal use.

*Penalties include:

a. Warnings, House Call

b. Turn off and reconnect fee

c. Complaints filed through ordinance provisions

Many calls came into Brownwood City Hall this week regarding the matter and officials have issued the following release to clarify the allowed watering times:

Designated times for watering are the same as the calendar day.  After midnight begins a new day.  As an example:  If your house ends in an odd number then your time to water would be Midnight to 9:00 am and 7:00 pm to midnight on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.  Please set your sprinkler times accordingly.  City of Brownwood and City of Early are using the same times.

Residents can direct their questions to the Utility Department by calling their utility department in Brownwood:  325-646-5775 or Early:  325-643-5451.

ZEPHYR WATER SUPPLY CORPORATION: ZWSC officials confirmed that Stage 3 of their water contingency plan was implemented immediately after the Brown County Water Improvement District enacted their Stage 3 plan.  For ZWSC consumers, restrictions are much the same as Brownwood Restrictions; however odd and even numbered houses are determined by their 911 addresses rather than street address, since most of these customers are in a rural location.

Odd numbered homes in the ZWSC areas may water on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturday, while even numbered homes may water on Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.  No watering is allowed on Mondays.

Currently ZWSC has taken phone calls regarding the implementation of Stage 3 restrictions; however a formal written notice will soon be mailed to their consumers.

Zephyr Water Supply Corporation may be reached for questions at 325-739-5264.

BROOKESMITH SPECIAL UTILITY DISTRICT: BSUD confirmed that they have also initiated Stage 3 of the water contingency plan.  The following information was sent to their consumers.  Much of it is the same as other cities throughout the area; however consumers are encouraged to conserve with penalties based on amount of wasteful usage.  Designated days to water also differ with only two days each week allowed for BSUD customers

Limited Outdoor Watering

  1. Only allowed on Tuesdays and Thursdays for addresses ending in even numbers, Mondays and Wednesdays for addresses ending in odd numbers.
  2. Outdoor watering is limited to the hours of 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. until Midnight by means of hand-held hoses, buckets, drip irrigation, or automatic sprinkler systems.
  3. No filling, re-filling, or adding to swimming pools, wading pools, or Jacuzzi-type pools.
  4. Any non-essential uses: washing down sidewalks, driveways, parking lots, dust control, gutters, etc.
  5. Restaurants are asked not to serve water unless asked for by the patron.

Water Usage to be Subject to Surcharge for High usage.  Rate as Follows:

0-10,000 gallons   no surcharge

10,000-20,000 gallons   $2.00 surcharge =   $7.00 per 1,000 gallons

20,000-30,000 gallons   $5.00 surcharge = $10.00 per 1,000 gallons

30,000-40,000 gallons $10.00 surcharge = $15.00 per 1,000 gallons

Over     40,000 gallons  $20.00surcharge = $25.00 per 1,000 gallons


Example: Base charge + $5.00 per 1,000 gallons + Surcharges


15,000 gals = $38.00 + 10,000 gals @ $5.00 + 5,000 gals @ $7.00

$38.00 + $50.00 + $35.00 = $123.00


35,000 gals = $38.00 + 10,000 gals @ $5 + 10,000 gals @ $7 + 10,000 gals @ $10

+ 5,000 gals @ $15

$38.00 + 50.00 + $70.00 + 100.00 + $75.00 = $333.00

Anyone in violation of restrictions will be subject of a fine of not less than $50.00 or more than $100.00.  After 3 violations service may be discontinued and restarted only upon payment of $500.00 and other cost incurred in discontinuing of service.

Brookesmith Water Supply Corporation may be reached for questions at 325-646-5731.

CITY OF BANGS: Officials confirmed initiation of Stage 3 contingency plans.  Designated watering days differ as well as days residents are allowed to water, which are based on location rather than by house number.

Water waste is prohibited.  Water waste is defined as allowing runoff in the streets or alleys, over watering of lawns, filling of swimming pools, or leaking pipes that are not repaired.

1.    Continuation of Stage 2 actions

2.    All personal, non-household water use is restricted to designated days between 7 p.m. and 9 a.m. the following day.  Designated days as follows:

a.    North of the Railroad track will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday

b.    South of the Railroad track will be Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

c.     No outside watering on Sunday

3.    Watering of parks and outside school areas is limited to drip irrigation or handheld hose on designated days for trees, shrubs and planters.

4.    Commercial water use reduced 20%.

5.    Minimize outdoor usage.

6.    Penalties:

a.    1st Violation – Warning

b.    2nd Violation – Warning

c.     3rd Violation – Water immediately cut off;

$50 fee must be paid before turn on

Bangs residents with questions may call city hall 325-752-6223.