The Brown County Republican Women’s Club will hold their monthly luncheon this Friday, September 12th at the Brownwood Country Club.
This month’s guest speaker will be Benjamin McPhaul, Data Director for Republican Party of Texas.
He will explain what Data Center is, why it is important to all Republicans and how to use it. He will also sign up interested individuals to gain access to the system.
GOP Data Center is an online application designed to allow users access to a variety of voter data. The application allows users to search for individual voter records and create lists using a variety of criteria including geography, party, vote history, and more.
The luncheon will begin at 11:30 AM. You do not have to be a member of BCRW to attend. Cost of the luncheon is $12 per person to be paid at the door.
Please RSVP Anne Casas at or leave a message at 325-641-2789 by Wednesday, September 10th.