Robert Porter, Brown County Republican Party Chair, announces dates for the Brown County Conventions. All Brown County Republican Party Precinct Conventions will be held at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 5, 2016, at the Coliseum Annex/Senior Citizens Center. To participate in your 2016 Precinct Convention, you need to vote in the Republican Primary. Anyone who wants to be a delegate to the County Convention and the State Convention MUST first be a Precinct delegate to the County Convention.
The precinct convention is the first and one of the most crucial steps in the political process. It is your chance, as a voter at the lowest grassroots level, to voice your opinion with the submission of resolutions to be considered in the other conventions. For those who are new to the process, the purposes of these conventions are to choose delegates and alternates to the Republican Party of Texas State Convention, and to consider resolutions or statements on policy issues to send to the State Convention for eventual inclusion in the state and national Party platform.
The Texas Republican Party State Convention will be held in Dallas May 12th-14th.