FlagPresentation2The Ladies’ and Men’s Auxiliary of VFW Post 3278 hosted a Memorial Day Observance at Eastlawn Memorial Park at 9:00 a.m. Monday morning.  During the ceremony, patriotic songs were sung, Taps was played, and a Memorial Day address was given by Chaplain James Looby, USN, Retired.

In addition to the traditional observance, CW4 George Huseman and SGT Adam Huseman, US Army, presented the members of VFW Post 3278 a special US flag.  These two men are father and son soldiers who were deployed together to Iraq in 2009, and the flag presented was flown aboard their US Army C-12R1 aircraft during a combat mission June 5, 2009.

The members of the auxiliaries raised and lowered the flag in observance of Memorial Day, May 27, 2013 and will continue to do so on every Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day.

“We are truly honored to have had this flag presented to us,” stated VFW Ladies Auxiliary President Major Jane Masters, US Army, retired.

Memorial Day was also observed at Greenleaf Cemetery over the weekend as Taps was played each evening (Saturday through Monday at 8:00PM) and over 1300 flags were placed on veterans’ graves.

Pictured above are members of the auxiliaries flying the flag at the VFW after the presentation.  A certificate of authenticity is pictured below.  Also pictured below are more photos of the Eastlawn Memorial Day Observance and flags placed at Greenleaf Cemetery.



Gold Star Families who lost a loved one during a recent conflict were honored.



