brandy-11-16“We want to welcome Brandy Mills to Brown County Museum of History as the new Museum Assistant,” stated Wanda Furgason, Museum Director in a recent email to Brownwood News. Furgason noted Brandy and her husband, Ronnie Mills, recently celebrated 21 years of marriage. They have four children and one grandchild.

In the submitted photo, Brandy is pictured along with a new exhibit in the Old Jail Building of the Museum. The picture she is holding is of the Clark Brothers in early 1900’s. The square table in front was donated by several Clark Family descendants. John Henry Clark transported the table from Tennessee to Texas between 1850 and 1855. The new exhibit is depicting the kitchen that the Sheriff’s and  Deputy’s families might have used to cook their meals. Their wives would also cook to feed the prisoners in the jail.

This new exhibit and many others can be seen in the Old Jail building and the Main Building across the street at 209 N. Broadway. Admission is $3.00 except for Senior Citizens and Military which is $2.00 and children 5 yrs and under are free. The hours are Thursday and Friday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Saturday is 10 a.m to 4 p.m. Please call 325-641-1926 for any questions.