Press Release – The Brown County Fair Association Queen’s Committee is pleased to announce our 2018 Queen candidates: Miss Jessica Armour representing the Zephyr community, Miss Courtney Jowers representing the Early community, Miss Annie Metcalfe representing the May community, and Miss Cheyenne Stroope representing the Brownwood community.
The committee is looking forward to a great year with these excellent candidates, and they know that Brown County will support these candidates in a positive way as they give back to the Brown County Youth Fair by selling youth fair memberships for the 2018 youth fair show. This is the second largest fundraiser for the youth fair after the Brown County Rodeo. The queen contestants will be selling memberships Saturday October 21st from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. during lamb and goat validation at the Brown County Fair grounds. Come out and buy your membership and support our candidates. Membership sales will run until Friday, January 12th, and the queen will be announced Saturday, January 13th, at 3 p.m. at the awards and premium sale.
The Queen’s committee is also pleased to announce the first Princess (3rd, 4th, and 5th grade) and Junior Miss (6th, 7th, and 8th grade) contest for the Brown County Fair Association. The informational meeting will be held October 26th at 7 p.m. at the Home Economics building and the sign up night will November 1st at 7 p.m. We are looking for young ladies who would like to be ambassadors for the youth fair. The contestants must be a member of 4-H or FFA, participate in the 2018 Brown County Fair, and meet UIL grade participation requirements. The rules have been posted online at and like our Brown County Fair Association Facebook page to see updates.
Miss Jessica Armour

Jessica Armour, a senior at Zephyr High School, is excited to be able to run for Brown County Youth Fair Queen. She is currently involved in FFA and she has been showing animals since she was 9 years old. Her first projects were show pigs and she has added steers, heifers and lambs over the years. This year Jessica has 2 steers, 1 heifer, 2 guilt’s, 1 barrow and 2 Southdown lambs. Jessica has also been involved in Livestock Judging for the past 4 years of her high school career. In her junior year Jessica ran for the Brown County Youth Fair Queen where she won 2nd runner up. Jessica reports, “I had an awesome time and made new friends with some great girls.” Before Jessica could finish her race as 2nd runner up and attend the Rodeo, she was involved in a severe car wreck. During this time so many people came together the night of the rodeo and months to follow to help support Jessica and her family. Jessica is running again this year to prove to herself that she can overcome her injuries and to give back to the community who kept her in their thoughts and prayers. She also wants to show other girls that running for the Youth Fair Queen is a great experience and that everyone should try it at least once. Jessica reports, “The Brown County Fair Association is a great organization that will teach you about yourself, pushes you to come out of your comfort zone, and helps you to just have fun while doing it.”
Miss Courtney Jowers

Courtney Jowers is a senior at Early High School. She is the 18 year old daughter of Cliff and Lisa Jowers. Courtney has been a member of 4-H for nine years and she currently serves as Treasurer of the 4-H sheep club. Courtney is an active member of the American Quarter Horse Association, American Paint Horse Association, and the Early FFA state qualifying nursery landscape team. She also enjoys barrel racing, goat tying, and pole bending. The livestock industry is a large part of Courtney’s life. She has shown a variety of livestock including sheep, horses, goats, pigs, heifers, and rabbits. Courtney has an immense passion for the livestock industry and plans on attending Texas A&M Univserity and majoring in Animal Science. When Courtney isn’t working and caring for her livestock she enjoys mentoring the youth of Brown County. Courtney works with numerous kids of all ages by mentoring and using her knowledge to help educate on topics ranging from animal care to show ring etiquette.
Miss Annie Metcalfe

Annie Gallatin Metcalfe is a 6th generation Texan who lives on her family ranch in Brown County. Her family’s ranch, the Colonel Burns ranch, was established in 1873. She is a junior at May High School. Her interests include family, horses, friends, school and hunting. She is currently a member of National Cutting Horse Association, National Youth Cutting Horse Association, American Quarter Horse Association, Big Country Cutting Horse Association, American Paint Horse Association, American Cutting Horse Association, American Junior Paint Horse Association, Future Farmers of America, Dallas Safari Club, The National Rifle Association, Texas High School Rodeo Association, and 4-H. She has won numerous horse shows and is currently trying to achieve her goal of qualifying for the world finals in the 50 thousand amateur for the National Cutting Horse Association. While representing Brown County 4-H, Annie and her team sorting partner earned a 2nd place win in the State of Texas 4-H Finals team sorting event. In 2016, Annie was a derby finalist in the amateur division of the NCHA. She has pursued her love of big game hunting throughout North America, Canada, and Africa. Annie has logged several world record trophy book entries in her tireless pursuit of wild game. This year she was elected as a Brown County 4-H district delegate member. She is an active member of the May FFA. The past two years she has loved showing goats at the Brown County Livestock Show. This year she looks forward to showing pigs and horses. Annie has a great respect for the people and history of Brown County and looks forward to representing each of them at the Brown County Livestock Show.
Miss Cheyenne Stroope

Cheyenne is the daughter of James and Stephanie Stroope. She is a Senior at Brownwood and was born and raised in Brownwood. Cheyenne has been showing since the forth grade. Her first year was in 4-H and the previous nine years she has been in FFA. Cheyenne shows goats, pigs, and a heifer. Cheyenne has been a varsity volleyball player for two years as well as a varsity cheerleader. Last year she got inducted into NHS with a 3.7 GPA and is in in the top 10% of her graduating class. While maintaining all of Cheyenne’s extra curricular actives she has held a job at Leon River Mercantile for almost two years. After High school Cheyenne would like to attend college at Tarelton University and major in kinesiology to become a physical therapist and in minor business.