Brown County District Clerk BrownCountyCourthouseJan Brown, who has served in the position for 30 years, submitted her letter of resignation this week which was accepted by 35th District Court Judge Steve Ellis on Thursday.

Ellis said in a letter to Brown that he would accept the resignation effective June 30th.   A reception for Jan Brown is also tentatively scheduled for that day as well.

Brown cited health issues as the reason for her resignation, and she did not file for a place on the ballot this year for reelection.

Ellis said in his letter that he is appointing Cheryl Jones to the position of Brown County District Clerk who will complete Brown’s unexpired term.  Jones recently won the Republican nomination for a place on the ballot in November and does not have an opponent.

Jan Brown was appointed to the post of Deputy District Clerk on August 23, 1982 and was then appointed by District Judge Gordon Griffin to serve as District Clerk in November of 1984 and has been elected and reelected to the post every term since that time.

Judge Ellis thanked Brown for her years of dedicated service in his acceptance letter.

“First of all, I want to thank you for your many years of dedicated public service, not only to the citizens of Brown County, but to the citizens of Dawson County, Terry County, Swisher County and Taylor County,” Ellis said.  “You served as a deputy district clerk in all of these other counties, of course, for thirty years, you have been our District Clerk in Brown County.”

Ellis said in the letter that he intends to hold a swearing-in ceremony for Cheryl Jones as the new District Clerk at the end of Brown’s reception.

“I have been blessed with an excellent staff and I know they will continue to do a good job for the people of this county,” Brown said in her letter of resignation.