commissionercourtarticlepicBrown County Commissioners unanimously approved a resolution supporting HJR 56, which would restrict the power of the legislature from prohibiting unfunded mandates in city, county, hospital districts, community college districts, and special districts created by those entities.

The resolution states that Brown County is responsible for the operation and management of many and various governmental programs required and authorized by state law.  It points out that, “Many state officials appropriately oppose unfunded mandates sent down to states from the federal government, and the state of Texas, acting through the Texas Legislature or through a state agency or executive order, enacts laws or promulgates rules that have the effect of imposing mandatory financial obligations upon Texas counties in the same manner that federal mandates obligate the state.”

The resolution also goes on to state that such unfunded or underfunded mandates disproportionately burden local property taxpayers with paying for state programs, resulting in tax increases and/or cutbacks in local programs.

Two Texas congressmen are working to change this.  Representative Burt Solomans has filed HJR 56 and Senator John Carona has filed SJR 17 in the 82nd Legislature, a constitutional amendment that would “restrict the power of the Legislature to mandate requirements upon certain local governments” including counties, cities, hospital districts, community college districts, and special districts created by those entities.

According to the resolution, HJR 56 and SJR 17 state that “no bill enacted by Legislature on or after January 1, 2012 requiring a local government to establish, expand or modify a duty or activity that requires the expenditure of revenue by the local government shall be effective until and unless the Legislature appropriates or otherwise provides for the payment or reimbursement, from a source other than the revenue of local government, of the costs incurred for the biennium by the local government in complying with the requirement.”

The resolution ends with Brown County’s endorsement encouraging all taxpayers to support and favor the passage of HJR 56/SJR 17, as well as encouraging all members of the Texas House of Representatives to co-sponsor HJR 56. 

In other items on the agenda:

*Commissioners unanimously approved a new member to the Brown County Child Welfare Board, Amber Kissner.  Kissner will replace Roland Graves, filling an unexpired term that will expire on September 30, 2011.  Kissner has experience working with children according to Judge West who presented the request on behalf of Kitty Cavanaugh, who was not present.  She has previous experience which includes being the game room manager of the Boys & Girls Club, volunteer work at both TYC and Good Samaritan Ministries.

*Suzy Young, Brown County Elections Administrator, received unanimous approval of her request to promote Larry Franks to the position of Assistant Administrator, replacing Crystal Molina.  This employment change is covered in the Elections Office’s budget according to Young.

*Certificates of Completion and Certifications of Accreditation were presented to  James Masters (LTC, Retired US Army) and Billy Murphey (retired Gunnery Sergeant, US Marine Corps and Marine Corps League Commandant) of the Veterans Service Office.