Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the BROWN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT will convene on the 4th day of January, 2016 at 9:00 A.M., in the Brown County Commissioners Courtroom:

A.  Opening Prayer
B.  Reading and approval of Minutes
C.  Recognition of Visitors
D.  Matter of New Business to be presented to the Court for its consideration and action as appropriate. Items may not be taken in the order that they are listed.

1.  Joel Kelton, Pct 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding burn ban;

2.  Ray West, County Judge – Consideration and possible approval to declare Brown County property in Houston as surplus, being lots in the Brooke Smith Addition to the City of Houston more fully described in a deed from the Harris County Sheriff to Brown County, dated September 5, 1933, recorded in Volume 1477, Page 44, Harris County Deed Records;

3.  Sheriff’s Office – Employee changes;

4.  Larry Franks, Elections Office –

a.  Approve Joint Primary Services Contract
b.  Approve polling locations for Primaries

E.  Reports
F.  Consideration and Approval of bills
G.  Approval of Treasurer’s/Auditor’s Report
H.  Adjournment or recess