Brownwood Police Department BPDpatchSmallreleased a statement of alert due to recent positive tests for rabies in the county.

Brownwood Assistant Chief James Fuller stated, “Our intent is not to alarm the community but simply ask everyone to use caution and to understand the situation.  This year alone, Brown County has seen over 13 positive tests for rabies.”

BPD received this information from the state which they felt necessary to publicize for public safety reasons.  See their full press release below:

The Brownwood Police Department and Brown County Sheriff’s Office ask that all citizens of Brown County exercise caution when coming into contact with stray or wild animals.  This year, Brown County has seen an increase in animals which have tested positive for rabies.

Anyone who encounters wild animals should use caution around them and carefully observe (monitor) any pets that may have been exposed.  If you counter an animal you suspect to be rabid, you should avoid it and contact the Law Enforcement Center at 325-646-2525.

Physical contact, such as bites or scratches, may lead to exposure to rabies.  Furthermore, infected animals can transmit the rabies virus prior to the onset of visible symptoms.  Remember, rabies is fatal if left untreated.  Humans who have been bitten or scratched by a rabid animal must have a series of shots to prevent becoming infected.

The first line of defense against human infection is the vaccination of all cats and dogs.  This is required by state law.  We urge all pet owners to have their animals vaccinated and to keep vaccinations up to date.  Please see your veterinarian for more information on rabies vaccinations.