Brown County commissioners approved Monday County Auditor Nina Cox’s request for a forensic audit of the county attorney’s office.
According to Cox, “irregularities in the County Attorney’s office” have made the audit necessary.
“It has come to my attention over the past 6 months to a year, that there have been some irregularities in the county attorney’s procedures and records,” stated Cox. “I am unable to elaborate on the exact problems in those funds at this time. I do need to hire a forensic auditor to audit those records individually.”
Cox stated she has been in contact with auditor Robert Belt with Belt, Harris and Associates of Houston. She stated that this auditing firm works with numerous law enforcement agencies and further stated the firm is qualified, highly recommended, and will be able to review the records appropriately.
Cox explained that a forensic auditor looks at each individual record and tracks the record throughout its process as opposed to a traditional audit which reviews a sampling of records.
The cost for the forensic audit will be approximately $40,000, according to Cox.
“It is a very in depth audit and it is a very big audit. It won’t just be spot checking,” Cox said. “It will involve three different funds and the county attorney hot check fund as well.”
In other unrelated to matters on Monday’s agenda:
*Commissioners approved reappointment of Bert Massey and Bart Johnson to the Brown County Hospital Authority Board.
*Commissioners approved IGT transfer funds in the amount of $17,244.42 for expenses incurred at Brownwood Regional Medical Center for indigent care. Currently there are 15 clients in the indigent program as of Monday, according to T’Anna McClure, Indigent Healthcare Coordinator for Brown County.
*Commissioners approved a quote from Black Jack Energy Services for gravel crushing for Precinct 1. The quote is for 6000 yards of gravel at a rate of $8.25/yard, according to Commissioner Larry Traweek, Precinct 4, who spoke in Commissioner Worley’s absence.
*Commissioners approved County Treasurer Ann Krpoun’s request for renewal of the depository contract with Texas Bank.
*Commissioner Precinct 3 Wayne Shaw received approval for an interlocal agreement between Brown County Precinct 3 and the City of Early. According to Shaw and Early City Administrator Tony Aaron, the agreement would provide terms for the repair of roadway which was damaged as the City of Early’s water storage tower was built just off of County Road 334. The portion of roadway needing repair is a 0.4 section of CR 334 and a portion of CR 335 (known as Old Comanche Road), to the intersection of Bluebonnet, which is a very heavily traveled portion of road, said Aaron. The agreement states that the City of Early will provide materials and the county would provide labor for the repair. Aaron will bring the agreement before the Early City Council for a vote on Tuesday.
*Commissioner Traweek received approval of the purchase of a 2011 Chevrolet crew cab pickup truck (mileage of 75,000) for the Precinct 4 road crew at a cost of $16,000, which includes the trade in of the current vehicle, a 2003 Chevrolet valued at $1500.