4H_LogoBrown County 4-H is supported by Brown County United Way



7 – Deadline to Enter West Texas Fair and State Fair

7 – Deadline to RSVP for District 7 Fall Meeting

17 – Deadline to Order State Lamb and Goat Tags

29 – 4-H Fun Day Kickoff and Awards, Heart of Texas Baptist Camp



We are in need of two club managers for the upcoming 2015-2016 4-H year. The two clubs are Brownwood 4-H and Early 4-H Clubs.

Duties will consist of:

  • Managing the club with support of agents, volunteers, and youth.
  • Organizing monthly meetings.
  • Helping youth with yearly planning of fundraisers and community service projects.

This will be a great opportunity to support Brown County 4-H and each of these communities. If you are interested or have any questions please contact Nick Gonzales.

4-H Fun Day Kickoff and Awards!

Save the date for the upcoming Brown County 4-H Awards and Fun Day. The date is set for August 29, 2015 from 10:00AM to 3:00PM at the Heart of Texas Baptist Camp & Conference Center on Lake Brownwood. There will be awards, food, swimming, and lake activities (Aquajump, water totter, blob, and padddleboats).

To participate in this amazing fun filled day you must be a 4-H member for the upcoming 2015 – 2016 4-H year. You can start signing up for the new 4-H year on August 15th. We will also be signing up members at the FUN DAY, so bring a friend that is interested in being a part of Brown County 4-H!


The Brown County United Way will be holding their 2016 Campaign Kickoff event on Wednesday, August 5th at Underwood’s during lunch. This will be a great opportunity to support Brown County United Way and enjoy a lunch at Underwood’s. So come out and support an organization that supports Brown County 4-H. Proceeds made from that day will go to Brown County United Way.

In conjunction with the 2016 United Way Campaign there will be a “Stuff the Bus” campaign to collect school supplies for area schools.

There will be a school bus at the following locations.  Please come by and help us fill the bus by donating school supplies!

Monday, August 3rd, 2015 – 9:00am – 6:00pm – Brookshires

Tuesday, August 4th, 2015 – 9:00am – 6:00pm – United Supemarket

Wednesday, August 5th, 2015 – 10:00am – 2:00pm – Underwood’s Cafeteria&2:00pm- 7:00pm- Staples

United Way is need of volunteers to assist with the “Stuff the Bus” campaign at the locations and alloted times. This would be a great community service for you or your club. Please contact Nick Gonzales if you are interested in volunteering.


It is that time already to start thinking about stock shows. The fall stock shows that are coming up are West Texas Fair and State Fair. The deadline to enter into the West Texas Fair and State Fair is August 7th. The entry forms are available at the Extension Office. If you have any questions please contact Nick Gonzales


Every parent, leader and 4?H member is invited to attend the District 7 Fall Meeting. The Fall Meeting will take place on August 22, 2015 at Grape Creek Baptist Church, Grape Creek, Texas. The Project Development Committees, District Council and Adult Leaders Association will all meet on this day.

The District 7 Project Development Committeesneed youto be successful!The purpose of these district?wide committees is to develop project training opportunities for

specific projects. Which are:


  • Beef
  • Clothing
  • Consumer Education
  • Foods & Nutrition
  • Horse
  • Photography
  • Natural Resources
  • Sheep/Goats
  • Shooting Sports
  • Swine

Each of these nine committees is made up of volunteers and youth interested in that project area. Each committee plans one educational training yearly to expand the educational opportunities in District 7. This is a great opportunity to gain new knowledge in your project area and work with other volunteers and youth from across the district.

If you are interested in going to the District 7 Fall Meeting please contact Nick Gonzales by August 7, 2015.


It is that time again!! If you are a 4-H member and planning on showing a Lamb, Breeding Sheep or Goat at any Major Stock Show such as Ft. Worth, San Antonio, Austin, San Angelo, or Houston you will need to purchase state tags. The costs of the tags are $12 per animal. The deadline to order tags is August 17th.  If you are planning on purchasing a state lamb tag for San Angelo Stock Show you need to make sure that lamb is Texas Bred and has a Texas Lamb Breeders tag, which will come from the lamb breeder.Registration papers for breeding sheep or goats must be in the exhibitors name on or before October 1st. You must bring the registration papers on the day of validation.You can order state tags by contacting the Extension Office.


The enrollment process for the 2015-2016 4-H year will begin August 15, 2015. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll in order to become an official 4-H member.

As you begin your enrollment for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:

  • If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!
  • If you lost your email and password call the county office so we can reset it for you.
  • An active membership will not be granted until the $20.00 participation fee is paid on 4-H   Connect!
  • You cannot register or participate in an eventuntil your profile is ACTIVE.
  • When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2015-2016 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.
  • You can use your Fundraiser Voucher to pay your membership dues. To do this you will have to come into the extension office to enroll.
  • We are updating our e-mail database on November 1st so if you are not enrolled by then you will no longer receive newsletters updates via e-mail. Unless you notify the Extension Office prior to November 1st deadline.

Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll because after October 31st the cost increases to $25!!

Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status.The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating