4H_LogoBrown County 4-H is supported by the Brown County United Way



6 – Deadline To Order State Fair Lamb & Goats Tags

6 – Photos for Photography Contest Due to Extension Office

9 – Meat Judging Practice 6:00p.m. at Extension Office

12 – Shooting Sports Practice 2:00p.m. at Woodman of the World

13 – Deadline To Order State Steer Tags

14 – Brownwood 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Extension Office

14 – Bangs 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Bangs FCS Classroom

16 – Brookesmith 4-H Club Meeting 5:30p.m. at Brookesmith ISD

28 – Early 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m at Early First Baptist Church



All photos for Junior/Intermediate and Seniors are due to the Extension Office on Monday, April 6th.

Senior photos will be judged on a county level. All senior photos must be emailed (no hard copies will be excepted), each photo file must be named correctly (4-Hers name.category example: johnsmith.people), correct file size (can be found in State Rules), and correct photo format (jpeg, .jpg, or .gif). If you have any questions please contact the Extension office.


If you are in 4-H and planning on participating at the State Fair in Dallas with a lamb or goat you will need to purchase a tag. The deadline to order tags is April 6th. Contact the Extension Office to purchase a tag for the State Fair.


It is hard to believe that it is already that time again to purchase state steer tags. If you are planning on showing a steer in any 2015-2016 major stock shows you must purchase a state tag. The cost is $12 per tag and the deadline to purchase a tag is April 13th. Please come by the Extension Office to purchase your steer tag.

If you have a heifer that was not validated in November 2014 and are planning to participate in a major stock show before November 2015, that heifer will need to be validated in June. Please contact the Extension Office by April 13th.


The checks for the Brown County Youth Fair are available for you to pick up at the Brown County Extension Office.  A thank you letter should be written to each buyer who contributed towards your project. Make sure that it is stamped and addressed and turned in to the Extension Office! You will not receive your check until we receive your thank you letters. Hand written “thank you” letters are best but, depending on your personality and penmanship a typed letter can also be appropriate. Thank each person individually, don’t try and thank a group of people in one letter. PLEASE NOTE THAT CHECKS ARE ONLY VALID FOR 90 DAYS.


We have received truck and placing checks from Fort Worth Stock Show and only truck checks from San Antonio. If you participated in these major stock shows and placed in your class or put your animal on the truck please come by the office to pick up your check. If you have any questions please contact Nick Gonzales


We are looking for 4-H volunteers to help out on April 25th at Tractor Supply from 9:00a.m.-2:00p.m.. We will need 4-H members to work dunk booth, bounce house, and help serve hot dogs and drinks. This is going to be a great opportunity to promote Brown County 4-H. Please sign up with the Extension Office. More details to follow at a later date.

4-H Clothing & Textiles Project Opportunities:

Spring time involves many 4-H projects to include Clothing & Textiles.  The fashion show includes construction, buying and fashion story board contest. If you are interested please contact Kim Miles.

Contest dates for fashion show, fashion story board and Duds to Dazzle are as follows:

Duds to Dazzle Contest for all age divisions – April 7 in Coleman

Fashion Show & Fashion Story Board for senior age division – May 2 in San Angelo

Fashion Show & Fashion Story Board for junior & intermediate age division – July 21 in San Angelo

If you are interested in participating in any of the 4-H Clothing & Textiles Project Opportunities, please contact Kim Miles at the Brown County Extension Office.


Validation is required for showing at district or state horse shows, and its

purpose is to certify that ownership requirements have been met. The horse MUST be owned solely by the 4-H member, his/her parents (biological or stepparents), brother, sister, grandparents, or legal guardian. Horses under lease to, but not owned by any of the named persons, do NOT qualify. Horses owned in partnership or jointly with any person other than those previously listed do NOT meet ownership requirements. The horse validation process will be completed electronically using the 4-H Connect online management system.

All 4-H members who wish to show at their District Show or the State 4-H Horse Show will be REQUIRED to validate their horse(s) on the 4-H Connect system. Horse validation is completed for EACH HORSE and will cover all 4-H youth members in that family profile. When validating your horse(s) on 4-H Connect, you will select ONLY ONE 4-H youth member to conduct the validation under. Once a horse is validated, validation paid, and you begin registering for the District Horse Show, the validated horse(s) can be moved to the appropriate 4-H member(s) that will be exhibiting the horse in the show.

Validation will be open from March 1st to MAY 1st. Any horse validated before or after this date will NOT be accepted. An illustrated step-by-step instruction guide for families is available for download and reference on both the Texas 4-H website (http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/) and the Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science – Equine Science website (http://animalscience.tamu.edu/academics/equine/state-4h-show/). Validation cost for each horse is $10.00 from March 1st – April 15th. From April 16th – May 1st validation cost for each horse is $20.00. Credit Card will be the only acceptable form of payment. If you have any questions please contact Nick Gonzales at the Extension Office.


District 7 4-H Roundup is on Saturday May 2nd at the West Texas Training Center in San Angelo. It will consist of many events that Brown County 4-Hers can compete in; such as public speaking, fashion show, Share – the – Fun, and educational presentations. All age divisions are eligible to participate in the District 7 4-H Round Up. If you would like more information please contact Nick Gonzales.


The Senior Fashion Show is set for Saturday May 2nd. It will be during the District 7 4-H Round Up. You must be 14-18 years of age to compete in the Fashion Show. If you are interested in competing contact Kim Miles at the Extension Office for entry forms, rules, or for more information.


The 2015 Howard College Goat Showmanship Camp is set for June 14, 15, & 16, 2015 and the Lamb Showmanship Camp is set for June 7, 8, & 9, 2015. The charge for the camp is $85.00 per person which includes four meals and a camp tee shirt or cap. Add $50 per goat or lamb provided by Howard College. If possible bring your own goat or lamb for demonstration purposes. Participants must be at least 9 years old or entering the 3rd grade. If you want more information on these camps please contact the Extension Office.


The enrollment process for the 2014-2015 4-H year will begin August 15, 2014. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll in order to become an official 4-H member.

As you begin your enrollment for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:

  • If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!
  • If you lost your email and password call the county office so we can reset it for you.
  • An active membership will not be granted until the $20.00 participation fee is paid on 4-H   Connect!
  • You cannot register or participate in an event until your profile is ACTIVE.
  • When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2014-2015 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.
  • You can use your Fundraiser Voucher to pay your membership dues. To do this you will have to come into the extension office to enroll.
  • We are updating our e-mail database on November 1st so if you are not enrolled by then you will no longer receive newsletters updates via e-mail. Unless you notify the Extension Office prior to November 1st deadline.

Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll because after October 31st the cost increases to $25!!

Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating.