Brown County 4-H is supported by the Brown County United Way.
9 – Consumer Decision Making Practice 5:30p.m. at Extension Office
10 – Brownwood 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Extension Office
10 – Bangs 4-H Club Meeting 6:00p.m. at Bangs FCS Classroom
12 – Early 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Early First Baptist Church
12 – Brookesmith 4-H Club Meeting 6:30 p.m. at Brookesmtih ISD
16 – Extension Office Closed for Presidents Day
16 – Horse Club Meeting 6:00p.m. at Earl Q Wilson Arena
19 – Meats Judging Practice 6:00p.m. at Extension Office
The checks for the Brown County Youth Fair are available for you to pick up at the Brown County Extension Office. A thank you letter should be written to each buyer who contributed towards your project. Make sure that it is stamped and addressed and turned in to the Extension Office! You will not receive your check until we receive your thank you letters. Hand written “thank you” letters are best but, depending on your personality and penmanship a typed letter can also be appropriate. Thank each person individually, don’t try and thank a group of people in one letter. PLEASE NOTE THAT CHECKS ARE ONLY VALID FOR 90 DAYS.
Do you have an interest in taking photos? If so we have a contest just for you! The photography project encourages self-expression and teaches proper use of photographic equipment and developing processes. We are very excited to have the opportunity to have photographer Megan Hurt join us this year to share her photography techniques. She will be assisting with upcoming photography workshops. Dates of workshops TBA based on interest of the photography project. If you are interested in participating in the photography workshops please RSVP with the Extension Office by February 9th.
The Houston, San Antonio, and San Angelo Stock Show passes have arrived. Participants may pick up their passes at the Extension Office. If you have signed up for any of these shows and are NOT going to be participating or have any other questions please contact Nick Gonzales.
Junior Breeding Gilts: All certificates must be issued on or after January 20, 2015, with the following information:
A. Leptospirosis vaccination is required on breeding swine, 6 months of age and older, within 30 days prior to show date (on or after January 20, 2015) with vaccine containing the following strains: Canicola, Hardjo, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Grippotyphosa, and Pomona. Vaccination date must appear on the health certificate.
B. A statement must appear that says the animal has not been fed garbage, has not been exposed to hog cholera or pseudorabies, does not originate from a quarantined herd, nor has the herd of origin had PRV within the last six months, nor have the entries themselves been vaccinated for PRV.
Original health papers must be furnished by the exhibitor at check-in. If more than one gilt is listed on the original health paper, the exhibitor must furnish additional photo-copies for each gilt listed. Please make copies before arrival.
Consumer Decision Making!
Consumer Decision Making is designed to teach 4-Hers to observe, compare and make consumer based decisions based on facts. Youth will use their consumer knowledge to rank similarly based products to fit a given scenario.
There will be practice on February 9th at 5:30PM at the Brown County Extension office. Study guides are available, which can be emailed, for 4-Hers that are interested. If you are would like more information please contact Kim Miles ( or Nick Gonzales (
4-H meats judging
If you are interested in participating on the 4-H Meats Judging team there is going to be a meeting on February 19th, 6:00 p.m. at the Brown County Extension Office. If you would like more information contact Nick Gonzales at the Extension Office.
4-H Clothing & Textiles Project Opportunities:
Spring time involves many 4-H projects to include Clothing & Textiles. The fashion show includes construction and buying divisions. There’s also the Fashion Story Board contest and the newest addition Duds to Dazzle. The Duds to Dazzle contest is patterned after the Food Challenge. It is a team event where teams of up to 5 members have 1 hour to turn a “dud” into a “dazzle” with a sewing kit and a furnished supply closet. Design categories are wearable, accessory/jewelry and non-wearable. The team is also responsible for giving a 5 minute presentation to a panel of judges. It is not too late to sign up for Duds Dazzle, we still need team members for all age divisions. If you are interested please contact Kim Miles.
Contest dates for fashion show, fashion story board and Duds to Dazzle are as follows:
Duds to Dazzle Contest for all age divisions – April 7 in Coleman
Fashion Show & Fashion Story Board for senior age division – May 2 in San Angelo
Fashion Show & Fashion Story Board for junior & intermediate age division – July 21 in San Angelo
If you are interested in participating in any of the 4-H Clothing & Textiles Project Opportunities, please contact Kim Miles at the Brown County Extension Office.
In the Recipe Rally, 4-H members are challenged with selecting, creating and/or altering a recipe and submitting a video of them demonstrating the preparation of the recipe. Recipes should be a healthy main dish that ties to the theme “Bringing Texas to the Table.”
Guidelines – Video Submission
- The rally is open to any intermediate and senior 4-H members.
- Entries can be individual only.
- The theme for 2015 is “Bringing Texas to the Table.”
- Recipes selected for entry should be a main dish item and tied to this theme.
- All videos submitted will compete against each other for selection to be a part of Dinner Tonight with Texas 4-H Cooking School.
- Videos must be submitted by uploading to YouTube by the designated deadline. The direct link must be provided when the 4-H member completes the online entry form, available at:
- Instructions on uploading a video to You Tube are available on the Texas 4-H Healthy Lifestyles webpage.
- Videos should be no longer than eight (8) minutes.
- Due to the time limit of the video submission, some food items may be prepared ahead of time (for example, chop onions ahead of time and have them ready for video demonstration).
- 4-H members may only enter a video one time. Multiple video submissions will not be accepted.
- 4-H members may submit a video entry at any time throughout the 4-H year. However, the official deadline for all online entries will be April 1, 2015.
- Sample videos are available online at and
Texas Brigades Wildlife Camps
The Texas Brigades offers five types of outdoor camps for our youth. Each camp not only teaches the cadets about wildlife conservation, but also about how to become a leader in today’s society. Cadets will learn about plant ID, shooting and angling skills, radio telemetry, public speaking, and even television and radio interview skills.
What Are The Qualifications?
All students with an interest in biology, wildlife, fisheries, conservation, or the outdoors are encouraged to apply. You must be 13-17 years of age and you should also be willing to commit to conducting a minimum of three educational programs when you return home.
How Many Cadets Are At The Camp?
Each camp is a little different because of facilities. There will be 20-30 cadets at each.
Where Will The Camps Be Held?
Rolling Plains Bobwhite Brigade, June 13-17 – Centennial Lodge, Coleman, TX
- South Texas Buckskin Brigade, June 14-18 – Southern Star Ranch, Uvalde, TX
- South Texas Bobwhite Brigade, June 26-30 – Buck Horn Creek Ranch, McCoy, TX
- Bass Brigade, July 7-11 – Warren Ranch, Santa Anna, TX
- Ranch Brigade, July 14-18, Warren Ranch, Santa Anna, TX
- North Texas Buckskin Brigade, July 19-23 – El Escondrijo, San Angelo, TX
- Waterfowl Brigade, July 19-23 – BigWoods on the Trinity, Tennessee Colony, TX
How Do I Apply?
Applications may be completed online or downloaded at For more information, contact Helen Holdsworth at or Zelina Alvarado at or call 855-TXBRIGS (855-892-7447). Registration deadline is March 16th.
Is There A Fee?
Yes. The fee is $400, which covers meals, lodging, and supplies. The Brigades will help you locate a sponsor if requested. Don’t let money stop you from applying! We will help you find financial assistance.
The enrollment process for the 2014-2015 4-H year will begin August 15, 2014. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll in order to become an official 4-H member.
As you begin your enrollment for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:
- If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!
- If you lost your email and password call the county office so we can reset it for you.
- An active membership will not be granted until the $20.00 participation fee is paid on 4-H Connect!
- You cannot register or participate in an event until your profile is ACTIVE.
- When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2014-2015 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.
- You can use your Fundraiser Voucher to pay your membership dues. To do this you will have to come into the extension office to enroll.
- We are updating our e-mail database on November 1st so if you are not enrolled by then you will no longer receive newsletters updates via e-mail. Unless you notify the Extension Office prior to November 1st deadline.
Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll because after October 31st the cost increases to $25!!
Educational programs of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, genetic information or veteran status. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners Courts of Texas Cooperating.