Brownwood News – The next meeting of Brown County Commissioners will be at 9:00 am Monday, August 19, in the county courthouse for a regular meeting. The agenda follows.  In addition, a Public Workshop is planned to begin 15 minutes after the regular meeting adjourns for the purpose of working on the 2019-2020 Brown County Budget and related issues.

1. Declare a Quorum and Call Meeting to Order
2. Prayer
3. Citizen Comments
(All speakers will be required to adhere to the rules of procedure, conduct and decorum adopted by the Court on October 6, 2014. Any disruptive, abusive, obscene, or disrespectful behavior will be terminated immediately.)

4. Consideration and approval of meeting minutes of August 12th, 2019 and workshop minutes.
5. Presentation of Treasurer’s/Auditor’s Report.
6. Consideration and Approval of Payment of any bills needed

7. Consideration and Approval of all appropriate action regarding the following:
A. Mr. Gary Worley, Commissioner Pct. 1 – Consideration and possible approval to amend the Commissioners Court Rules of Procedure, Conduct and Decorum to reflect the changes in HB 2840;
B. Mr. Gary Worley, Commissioner Pct. 1- Consideration and possible approval of Platt for Dominion Point 3;
C. Mr. Joel Kelton, Commissioner Pct. 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding burn ban;
D. Mr. Wayne Shaw, Commissioner Pct. 3 – Consideration and possible approval of employee salary change;
E. Vance Hill, County Sheriff- Consideration and possible approval to set jail maintenance salary for new applicant
F. Vance Hill, County Sheriff- Consideration and possible approval to hire replacement jail maintenance employee September 1, 2019 for training purposes
G. Vance Hill, County Sheriff-Presentation of jail report
8. Adjournment