BMSCmasTree2013_1Art students at Brownwood Middle School decorated a tree for the Chatfield Assisted Living Facility’s annual Christmas Tour of Trees on Tuesday, December 3rd.

This is the fourth year Chatfield has worked with the school to provide the opportunity for the art students to decorate a tree with custom-made original ornaments made in their art classes.  “The students had a good time making the decorations and getting out of class to hang their ornaments,” said Brownwood Middle School art teacher, Julie Mize. “Some of the residents and visitors also enjoyed coming by to watch the students decorate.”

The Chatfield Assisted Living Facility is located just across the street from the middle school, and Mize brought her classes over one at a time throughout the day to work on the decorations.

Pictured above:  Alan Acosta places the angel on top of the Christmas tree that BMS students decorated for the Chatfield Assisted Living Facility.


Pictured above BMS art students, Garrett Ellis, Ruben Hernandez, and Trey Drake hang ornaments made in art class on the Chatfield Christmas tree.


Pictured above: Brownwood Middle School art students Micheal Gomez and Trisha Russell hang their handmade ornaments on the BMS Christmas tree at Chatfield Assisted Living.