
Brownwood Middle School art students put their creative abilities to use at Chatfield Assisted Living by decorating a Christmas tree with custom-made ornaments on Friday, November 30th.

This is the third year Chatfield has worked with the school to provide the opportunity for the art students to utilize their artistic skills in ways that differ from the usual classroom routine.  “We’ve been doing this every year since they [Chatfield] started it,” said Brownwood Middle School art teacher, Julie Mize. “It really is a neat opportunity.”

Mize brought her classes over one at a time throughout the day beginning at 9:20 a.m. “They started working on their ornaments before Thanksgiving,” said Mize, adding that they had time to put some thought into their pieces.

With the final class adding their decorations that afternoon, BMS art students can be proud of adding their own personal touch to the Christmas décor in community.

Pictured above Brownwood Middle School art student, Israel Vela, reaches up to adjust an ornament while his fellow classmates continue decorating a Christmas tree at Chatfield Assisted Living. Below:  Brownwood Middle School art students, Alicia Vallecillo and Manuel Castillo, decorate a Christmas tree at Chatfield Assisted Living.
