Special Release – The Brownwood Municipal Development District (BMDD) is sponsoring a survey that will provide information to assist in housing development plans in the future. A recent email was sent out, sharing links for an online survey, or a PDF version to download and fill out. The results of this survey will be made available to the general public and community leaders.Information collected by this survey will be displayed in aggregate only, keeping all individual responses private and confidential.

The survey should be completed as soon as possible, but not later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 17, 2017. Hard copy surveys will need to be returned to City Hall located at 501 Center Avenue.

“Housing is a key element of any community and the important aspects include the availability, location, condition and quality, type and size and costs. This survey will help the City of Brownwood and our local agencies better understand our present situation, changes we may need to make, and new choices that may need to be offered,” the BMDD stated in their email.

The email also stated, “By donating a few minutes of your time, you will help decision makers in Brownwood have the information they need to plan for the future.”