Brownwood News – The Brownwood Municipal Development District (BMDD) recently sent out an email with helpful customer service tips for local businesses looking to survive the “retail apocalypse.” The intro of the email reads:

“Retail is undergoing major changes.  Brick and mortar stores everywhere are being closed. Brownwood has been significantly impacted with the recent closing of several major retailers. The recent closings are due in part to online sales, but the whole face of retail is dramatically changing. In order to compete and stay alive during what is being described as the “retail apocalypse,” it is imperative that retailers provide exceptional customer service. Here are some tips on things retail employees should never do if your business is going to survive.”

The email included tips from The Retail Doctor, a retail consulting firm created by expert retail consultant and leading business mentor, Retail Expert Bob Phibbs. CEO of The Retail Doctor, Phibbs is an internationally recognized business strategist, customer service expert, sales coach, marketing mentor, author of three books, and motivational business speaker.

Retail Customer Service: 50 Things Retail Employees Should Never Do

Unless you stop these things from happening, they will start a chain of events that become unmanageable.

Retail customer service means avoiding these fifty things that can make the difference between hearing, “I’ll take it,” and “I’m outta here.”

1. Do not let anyone enter the shop without a warm greeting. If you can’t or won’t do that, go work somewhere else where you don’t have to deal with customers.

2. Never say it’s “slow,” “dead,” or voice any negative thought.

3. Leave your problems at the door – no one wants to work with high drama whether that’s your daughter’s lost keys or your boyfriend’s mom had a facial appointment.

4. Don’t come to work sick – ever.

5. Never say “there you go”.  The proper response when checking a customer out is “thank you”.  When I hear, “there you go”, I always think:  “yes, here I go to another store that has properly trained employees to say “thank you”.

6. Don’t arrive late saying there was “traffic.” Of course there is traffic.  Plan accordingly.

7. Don’t change into work clothes that you’ve had scrunched into your backpack all day – leave the wrinkled homeless look for the streets.

8. Don’t keep asking if you can go home early.

9. Never reply to a customer inquiry with, “No” unless it is immediately followed with, “But we have…”

10. Don’t just ask questions that can be answered with a “yes” or “no.” You’re paid to converse.

11. Don’t ask if there is “anything else?” Suggest one item that logically goes with what they are purchasing.

12. Don’t say you’re “not authorized” to give a discount, they’ll just ask, “Then who is?”

13. Saying, “No problem” is a problem. It sounds condescending like, “ it’s just you – I’d do the same for my dog.” “You’re welcome” is the “A” answer.

14. Don’t walk past a discarded wrapper, used diaper or other leave-behinds of customers. Pick it up and dispose accordingly.

15. Don’t stand in front of the store looking bored.

16. Don’t check out. If you ask, “Did you find everything OK?” listen to the answer and fix whatever is not right.

17. Never say, “I don’t know” to any question without following with, “I’ll find out.”

18. Do not ask, “Have you been helped yet?” Open your eyes!Know before approaching a customer who has been waited on.

19. Never take a return without asking what went wrong. Obviously, something didn’t work and many times it can be fixed or exchanged without refunding the cash.

20. Do not have a personal conversation with another employee within earshot of customers.

21. Do not eat or drink in plain view of customers. That means no food visible on a shelf or the counter either.

22. Never reek from perfume, cigarettes or body odor. You’re not a teenage boy. And if you are, don’t do it either.

23. Do not refer to two women as “you guys.” There’s a big difference – you can tell by looking.

24. Never acknowledge one customer over and above another, especially the one in line behind others you do not know. All customers are equal, even if the one at the back of the line is your best, wait until all others have been helped. That’s what makes customer service.

25. Do not gossip about co-workers or customers within earshot of customers. Better yet, don’t gossip.

26. Don’t trick customers. It’s not Halloween. If there is a service charge, delivery charge or special order charge, alert your customer before you ring them up. It’s not a secret or a trick. Likewise if something can’t be returned for a full refund after the holidays.

27. Don’t plead ignorance. In the time you’re putting merch out or not helping customers learn about the products you sell inside and out. If you sell Zoobie plush toys that are also a soft pillow and a comfy blanket, know something about Zoobie plush all-on-one toys.

28. Do not ignore a customer because they are not your customer. Stop, look, listen, lend a hand.

29. Do not stand behind someone who is looking at product. It’s creepy – especially to women. Make eye contact and stand next to them or in front.

30. Never blame the boss, the part-timer, the vendor, the weather or the economy for anything that goes wrong. Just make it right.

31. Don’t just stand there like a dead fish or walk away like a customer has swine flu if a customer is having trouble making a decision. Help out by giving them a choice like, “Do you prefer something lighter or darker?” “Something hot or cold?”

32. Don’t vomit on your customers. If someone wants to know your life story, keep it short. If a customer asks about a product, keep it short.

33. Don’t tell customers you are out of something before they ask for the missing product.

34. Do not disappear. We know when you are hiding behind the stacks or in the bathroom. Uncool.

35. Do not ask customers, “Do you still need time?” Shopping is not work — until questions like this are asked.

36. Never suggest ringing someone up until the customer explicitly asks for it. If they are holding many items, great customer service means you ask, “Would you like me to place these on the counter so you can free your hands?”

37. Do not stop your exceptional service after the order is rung up. Final impressions are lasting impressions.

38. Never dismiss or patronize a customer who has a complaint; listen, take it seriously, address it.

39. Never allow bad behavior. If someone is swearing on a cellphone, politely suggest they go outside.

40. Never hover long enough to make people feel they are being watched or hurried, especially when they are figuring out what to buy.

41. Do not show frustration. Your only mission is to serve. Be patient; it’s not easy.

42. Don’t ask how customers are. You don’t care, they know it.

43. Don’t ask customers if they have a budget– of course they’ll say cheap-no one willingly says the “sky’s the limit” even if its just for a box of Crayola crayons.

44. Don’t talk to customers’ backs. Either get in front of them so they know who’s talking to them or shut up. No customer wants to try to figure out where a phantom voice came from.

45.  Don’t thank customers as they are opening the door to leaveif you never spoke to them after they arrived. (See above.)

46. Don’t hide behind the counter. It’s not a castle – customers shouldn’t have to come to you, you should go to them.

47. Don’t stock when any customer is in the store. That’s not customer service, its stocking.

48. Just because we don’t have an item, don’t dismiss a customer. If you are in a mall, be prepared to give directions when people ask if you know where they might buy a particular item. No one wants to hear, “I don’t know.” Try.

49. Don’t call other stores to see how busy they are. No time. No need. Nothing to help you achieve your goal.

50. Don’t look at your employees as serfs. Chronic short-staffing, distracted, nickel Napoleon managers–make it nearly impossible to give good service. Treat your staff with respect, i.e. how you would like them to treat others. Bring out the best in them so they can give great customer service to your customers.