charlieaward2013 Brownwood ISD

Brownwood ISD announced Monday night at their school board meeting that Charlie Musgrove, BISD Community Relations Coordinator, won two awards this year from the Texas School Public Relations Association.

“This is the first year that we actually have applied for awards at the Texas School Public Relations Association, and we are fortunate enough to win two awards,” said BISD Superintendent Reece Blincoe.

The awards included the Silver Star Award for Brownwood ISD’s mobile app and the Bronze Star Award for the district’s “Inside the Pride” newsletter that is emailed out regarding the latest school related news.

Musgrove designed and created the mobile app which is currently available for iPhone and Android.  He also designed and compiles the newsletter that is sent out to subscribers each week with the latest Brownwood ISD news.

Pictured are Musgrove (left) and Blincoe showing off the awards during the meeting.