bisdlogo Brownwood TX Brownwood ISD is watching legislative events in Austin very closely in hope of more state funds to help offset a projected budget shortfall for the current fiscal year.

“As the legislative session winds down, we do feel that we are going to receive some additional monies for this biennium, exactly how much; we’re not real confident in the numbers yet,” said Deputy Superintendent Kevin Gabaree.

A preliminary school funding template reflects new school finance funding elements adopted by the 83rd Legislature during the regular session and will help determine state funding being allocated to public schools. The template is currently only preliminary because of applicable bills that have not been signed into law yet.

One such bill is HB 1025 which is currently waiting for the governor’s signature and could help BISD improve on their expected budget shortfall for the year.   HB 1025 would give additional appropriations of funds to various state agencies including $200 million for public education.

“It would help substantially if we would get that additional payment, and we would get that in August if we get that,” said BISD Superintendent Reece Blincoe.

Officials said that their portion of that money would not cover the entire amount of the negative budget, but would help the district substantially.

“It would decrease the deficit,” Gabaree said.

BISD approved a little more than $400,000 in salary step raises for district employees in August 2012 which pushed the more than $25 million budget into the red for the fiscal year.

Gabaree said that the district will have a much better idea of the true impact on the budget next month once the state works out any additional appropriations and the final revenue and expenditures can be better estimated.

Local certified property values should also be available in mid-July according to Gabaree, which will be important in putting together the next year school budget as the district gets set for their annual budget process.

“We will know what our state revenue is estimated to be, and local values in the next couple of days after that, and we will have a pretty good idea of our revenue,” Gabaree said.

In other matters on BISD School Board agenda Monday night:

*School board trustees approved a bid from Travelers insurance through Porter Insurance for the 2013-2014 school year.

*School board trustees approved a three year contract for the Brownwood Band Boosters to operate the concession stands at Gordon Wood Stadium.

*Athletic Director Chuck Howard gave an athletic report outlining team records and participation for the school year.   He also outlined plans to update disciplinary actions for students found to be using illegal substances.  He also discussed recent hires in his department along with slots he still needs to fill.

*Officials heard a report on preliminary STARR testing results for the year.  A more in-depth report will be offered at the next board meeting.

*Summer School report – K-3rd grade – 202 students; 4th-6th grade – 122 students; 7th-8th grade – 135 students; and High School – 96 students and 22 accelerated students.