bisdThe Brownwood ISD’s Board of Trustees cancelled the planned school board election that was scheduled for November due to no contested races developing.

The school board certified the election of the four unopposed candidates in each place including Michael Cloy of place 1, Roderick Jones of place 3, Lisa Fowler of place 6, and Tim Jacobs of place 7.  Jones and Jacobs each currently serve on the board of trustees.

BISD Superintendent Dr. Reece Blincoe said that since none of the candidates who filed have an opponent, cancelling the election will save the school district between $5000 and $10,000.  A notice will be placed at the polling places in November announcing the cancelation.  The new trustees will take their seats on the BISD school board in November.

In other BISD business discussed Monday night at the school board meeting:

*The school board approved the naming of the Margie Michael Learning Garden at Woodland Heights Elementary.

*The school board approved the Competitive Sealed Proposal method of construction delivery for the new addition to East Elementary.  School officials believe that this will enable the district to get much more competitive bids than other methods.

*The school board approved the designation of county extension agent Scott Anderson as an adjunct faculty member. This resolution allows students to be counted as “in attendance” when participating in 4-H activities and being supervised by a 4-H/Ag extension staff member.

*The school board approved the revisions to school policies as recommended by the Texas Association of School Boards.

*The school board approved fundraisers for all district campuses for the 2010-2011 school year.

*The school board approved proposed library vendors for the 2010-2011 school year.

*The school board approved the acceptance of $6055.77 from the Woodland Heights Elementary PTO for the purchase of educational items for the school.

*The school board received reports on current enrollment, technology, website, and billboards.

*The school board also received a report on ACT ratings.