BrownwoodNews – The Brownwood ISD (BISD) Board of Trustees met for a regular session meeting on Monday, January 14, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. The session was called to order by Board President, Michael Cloy. Harold Hogan gave the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Brownwood ISD Head Start students, Ayden Hastings and Ray Luna.
Woodland Heights Elementary Principal, Jenny Swanzy presented an Elementary Curriculum and Instruction update providing information on programs, planning, and progress in Reading/Writing, Math, Assessment, and Personnel in the elementary grade levels. Brief updates included the progress on programs such as Fast4Word and DIBELS, in addition to the continued development of RTI plans. RTI Specialists on each campus are being utilized for roles that include instructional coaching, data meetings, facilitated data analysis, and follow up with teachers and RTI documentation. Swanzy concluded her presentation by highlighting some next steps that included a focus on district team Learning Walks, continued professional development, and upcoming scheduled meetings and workshops.
The following groups and individuals were recognized by BISD and were presented with certificates highlighting their achievements.
BISD Spotlight Teachers and Staff:

The Brownwood ISD Spotlight recognizes members of the BISD faculty and staff who go the extra mile to ensure excellence in education for all our students. Spotlight recipients are chosen from peer nominations. January 2019 honorees were Brownwood Middle School teacher, Veronica Ballenger, and Brownwood High School (BHS) Special Education Teacher’s Aide, Leland Holmes. Spotlight honorees are pictured with BHS Principal, Mitch Moore, BISD Trustee, Dr. Lisa Fowler, and BMS Principal, Richard Sweaney.
Academic UIL – 2nd Grade Pictured below are BISD 2nd grade students that placed in their Academic UIL events along with BISD Trustee, Dr. Lisa Fowler.

Academic UIL – 3rd GradePictured below are BISD 3rd grade students that placed in their Academic UIL events along with BISD Trustee, Dr. Lisa Fowler.

Academic UIL – 4th GradePictured below are BISD 4th grade students that placed in their Academic UIL events along with BISD Trustee, Eric Evans.

Academic UIL – 5th Grade Pictured below are BISD 5th grade students that placed in their Academic UIL events along with BISD Trustee, Tim Jacobs.

Academic UIL – 6th Grade Pictured below are BISD 6th grade students that placed in their Academic UIL events along with BISD Trustee, Tim Jacobs.

BISD Board of Trustees – School Board Recognition Month January is School Board Recognition Month, and Brownwood ISD joins the Texas Association of School Boards and other districts across the state to honor the countless contributions of these locally elected advocates for Texas schoolchildren and public schools. Pictured below are BISD Board of Trustees members, Michael Cloy, Roderick Jones, Sr., Diane Thompson, Tim Jacobs, Dr. Lisa Fowler, Codie Smith, and Eric Evans along with some notes and gifts made by students to show their appreciation.

The annual financial audit has been completed and Katy O’Shields from Eide Bailey Accounting Firm, presented a clean audit with no findings from the 2017-18 school year. Trustee Evans moved that the audit be approved as presented, with Trustee Jones seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Enrollment/Transfer Report: BISD Assistant Superintendent Dr. Hector Martinez presented the enrollment and transfer report, noting an increase of 16 students between August 2018 and December 2018. A total of 241 transfers into the district were reported as of December 20, 2018. Emergency Operations Plan Update: A report was provided by Dr. Martinez highlighting the school security and safety initiatives that have occurred since August 2018. Those listed included the formation of the BISD Safety and Security Committee, updated emergency drill forms, BISD School Resources Officer (SRO) trainings, lockdown drills, and a test of the Raptor Emergency System on each campus. District SRO, Fred Bastardo, was available to answer questions regarding the system. In the event there is a campus emergency where a police officer is needed, all front office personnel can immediately notify our District SRO’s by clicking the emergency button located on the Raptor System screen.
Dr. Young stated that the District received a spotlight award from the Texas School Safety Center. Brownwood ISD was recognized as a Quarter 2 School Safety Spotlight Program recipient in the Staff Development and Training category for conducting full scale, community-wide emergency drills.
Quarterly Financial Report: The quarterly financials were presented, indicating that the BISD budget is on track. The November 2018 Tax Assessor Collector’s Report was also provided.
BISD Trustee Eric Evans made a motion to approve the Superintendent’s Contract for dates beginning January 15, 2019 and extending through January 14, 2024. Trustee Thompson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The following items were listed for consideration on the Consent Agenda.
- Minutes from December 10, 2018 Board Meeting
- Trustee Jacobs moved that the Consent Agenda be approved as presented, with Trustee Thompson seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
The following announcements were made for upcoming events:
• School Holiday – MLK Day – January 21, 2019
• Next Regular Meeting – February 11, 2019
• Team of 8 Training – February 1, 2019
No executive session was called or held during the meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.