Free and Reduced-price Meal Applications will be available in August. They will be in the student’s packet from school or can be obtained from Central Office.
Remember to pay ahead in your student’s account so that there will be no interruptions in your child’s meal service. You can make payment at the School Nutrition Department at Central Office, at your child’s cafeteria or online at . The website contains many valuable features in addition to the payment option. Please sign up for the FREE, low balance, email reminders that will help you ensure continuous hot meals for your child.
Brownwood ISD only allows $10 worth of meal charges in grades Pre-K to 8th. There is no charging allowed at Brownwood High School. Alternative meals consisting of a cheese sandwich and milk will be served to students who have exceeded the charge limits at their school.
We have new foods planned this year at every school and are excited to get started! Parents, grandparents and other family members are always welcome to join us for meals in the cafeteria (please sign-in at the school office first).
If you have any questions, please contact the School Nutrition Department at 643-5644.