Written by Ben Cox – Teachers and staff for the Brownwood Independent School District are a little more thankful this morning than when they arrived at work, thanks to an announcement made district wide this morning.

Speaking in the Middle School Band Hall from a prepared script, Director of Special Populations for the district Landry Blackstock, accompanied by BISD Board Member and Trustee Eric Evans, began a short speech at the stroke of 7:30 a.m. in order to coincide with identical speeches at every other campus.

“Good morning everybody, and on behalf of BISD and the board of trustees, it’s a privilege to give you something a little special to start your thanksgiving holiday. BISD continues to look for ways to support our staff and to show appreciation, and with that being said here is a small token. (patting the manilla envelope on the podium in front of him) Today, every BISD employee is being given a $500 retention incentive. I have your checks here and will personally be delivering them to your classroom and or workstation. So, Happy Thanksgiving, and thank you all for all you do and for being part of the Brownwood Lion Family. We are the district of choice.”

After the announcement was made, Eric Evans said that “It’s something that we have wanted to do for a long time and Dr. Young made it happen. We wanted to make it a surprise. Every employee is getting a lump check for $500.” Meaning, the taxes were paid by the district for a higher amount so that each check would be exactly $500, not $500 before taxes.

Terry Cantwell, 8th Grade English teacher for the Middle School says he was “pleasantly surprised and it couldn’t come at a better time. People were walking down the halls here saying Oh My Gosh! I’m very thankful for the support we have here from the top down at Brownwood ISD.”