bisdBrownwood ISD officials received concept art and price proposals for a new scoreboard with video screen for Gordon Wood Stadium from the company Daktronics on Monday.   The district received three proposals for the new scoreboard/ video system that would include a new sound system.

BISD Superintendent Reece Blincoe presented the proposals to the school board on Monday.  The total cost for one of these new scoreboards would be between $250,000 to over $300,000 depending on the size of the video screen selected, Blincoe said.

“We don’t have this money budgeted,” Blincoe said. “This is money that we said that we would, if we’re going to do this, that we would go out and raise.”

Although the district does not have a plan for implementation yet, they brainstormed ideas at Monday’s school board meeting to fund the project including selling sponsorship signs on the scoreboard and combining other benefits for those supporting the project.

“I am trying to think of any way possible that we might be able to afford this without any money from our district,” Blincoe said.   “I’m not going to leave a rock unturned – we’re going to try everything we can to pay for this scoreboard without have an impact on the district.”

Blincoe also announced that the district’s newly hired community relations coordinator would take the lead on raising funds for the sign.

“As of today we will have a community relations position starting on Monday,” Blincoe said.

Blincoe told the school board trustees that he will continue to bring information to them about the proposed new scoreboard as they collect more information in the coming months.