bisdlogo3The Brownwood ISD Board of Trustees will meet Monday, October 13th in regular session with an agenda that includes an executive session to discuss the evaluation and duties of the superintendent as well as possibly censuring a board member.

BISD Superintendent Reece Blincoe stated that he did not know much about these two items to be considered in executive session.  He explained that the business items of the agenda were put together by him and his secretary as customary and then submitted to the district’s attorney.  The additional executive session items were added by Board President Michael Cloy and the district’s attorney.

“I haven’t been able to reach the BISD attorney (to ask about these items),” said Blincoe.  “It’s a little bit of a puzzle to me.”  He stated that he assumed the items are to amend district policy.

“I guess it’s to amend policy which is clearly outlined by state laws (especially as to the duties of the superintendent).  Evaluation too could be looked at but is also prescribed by the state,” said Blincoe.   He stated that any changes to either would have to go through the district’s site based decision making committee.

“Frivolous things cannot be added and you cannot add things that aren’t allowed by state law,” he said.

According to Blincoe, the board’s attorney will most likely be present during the executive session and it is her job to protect the school district, so she will guide the board of trustees in the direction they can and cannot go regarding these items if policy is to be amended.

Blincoe was not aware until the attorney added the item of possible censuring of a board member and stated that this too was requested by Cloy and the attorney.

“I wasn’t aware of the censuring, this too was requested by Cloy and the district’s attorney,” said Blincoe.  “That’s their doing, not mine.  Do I think it is interesting?  Yes.”

Blincoe was not sure which board member was the subject of the possible censuring but stated that his best guess would be that it was possibly due to something a board member said to media.

“It is board policy that the president will speak to media on behalf of the board,” explained Blincoe.  “People have first amendment rights of freedom of speech.  A board member cannot speak for the board, but they certainly can give their opinion.  No board member can speak about something discussed in a board meeting during executive session because that is against state law.”

He felt that the action given regarding the censuring will be a disciplinary “slap on the wrist” for the board member to give a “public reprimand.”

Blincoe jokingly stated that he felt the board had more important matters at hand, such as “whooping the Stephenville Yellow Jackets tonight.”  He said, “I like to talk about the good things.”

He explained that there are a lot of good things going on in the district, such as the success of the bonfire which was held Thursday night to rally spirit for the game Friday night between the Lions and their longtime rivals, the Stephenville Yellow Jackets.

Another important matter on the district’s agenda is the refinancing of the districts bonds.  At Monday night’s meeting, the parameters of the refinancing will be discussed and once approved, the district will move forward.  This refinancing will save the district millions of dollars over 20 years.

“If the district refinances in January or February, there won’t be any penalties; however, the savings of refinancing would far offset the cost of penalties,” said Blincoe.  He explained that the district could conservatively save as much as $300,000 per year over the next 20 years if they refinance the bonds.  This would mean 3¢ back to the taxpayers in their BISD tax rate next year.  The district already dropped the tax rate 5¢ for the current year.

“We are supposed to be good stewards of the taxpayers’ money and we’re trying to help everybody out,” Blincoe stated.    “Tax evaluations of properties went up this year and we hope what we’re doing will help off cushion some of that.”