BISD Press Release – The Brownwood ISD (BISD) Board of Trustees met for a regular session meeting on Monday, June 12, 2017, at 6:30 p.m. BISD Board President Michael Cloy called the meeting to order. Tom Washburn from the Austin Avenue Church of Christ gave the invocation. BHS Varsity Baseball players led the Pledge of Allegiance.



BISD Trustees recognized students from the BHS Athletics department who made notable achievements in both academic and extracurricular areas during their Spring 2017 seasons. The Board of Trustees expressed their appreciation for these students who work beyond normal classroom participation to pursue excellence in their athletic pursuits.

BHS Varsity Baseball: Varsity Baseball team members Grant Fanara, Harley Price, Rylan Reagan, Hayden Donahoo, Hunter Leonard, Cain Kittrell, Gavin Clemons and Grayson Swanzy were recognized for their District honors.

BHS Track: 

BHS Varsity Track members Kyra Young, McLane Moore, Tristan Escamilla, Trinity Buitron, Alyssa Couey, and Aleyia Cotton were recognized for their State Track Meet qualifications.

BHS Softball: 

BHS Varsity Softball players Chyanne Ellett, Kayla McFarden, Victoria Sanchez, and Jakobee Holloway were honored for their District accomplishments.

FCA Cheer: 

Tristan Escamilla was recognized for receiving the Inaugural Brian Wade Award for her FCA participation.


  • • Monthly Staffing and Budget Reports were made, with the Superintendent’s comments regarding the hiring progress for the 2017-2018 year;
  • • Summer Camp report was given, showcasing the learning opportunities that BISD offers during the summer break;
  • • Maintenance and Custodial report was given, highlighting both normal and special project maintenance scheduled for the summer months.



Athletics Report – Athletic Director Kyle Maxfield presented a report describing the various athletic program accomplishments during the past school year, highlighting the fact that all sports made post-season appearances for the first time in a number of years.

Curriculum and Instruction Report – Ms. Liesa Land presented a summary of curriculum and instruction plans for the upcoming school year, highlighting the re-introduction of a phonics program for K-3 students and expanded course options for Middle School and High School campuses. Special note was made regarding the introduction of the OnRamps Dual Credit program for High School students, allowing them to take dual credit courses from the University of Texas at no charge to either the students or the district.

Budget Report – A report detailing the progress of the 2017-2018 budget was given. Departmental budget meetings have been completed, and the proposed budget will be presented on August 28, 2017 in a planned public meeting.

REVIEW OF DISTRICT GOALS: Dr. Young presented the District Mission and revised District Goals, summarizing priorities for the district for the upcoming school year.

FIRST READING OF TASB-INITIATED POLICY UPDATE 108: Dr. Young presented highlights from TASB-initiated policy updates, highlighting language changes and local requirements including the necessity of board approval for Credit by Examination tests. This presentation constituted the first reading of the proposed changes, with a vote scheduled for the August board meeting.

FIRST READING OF DNA(LOCAL): Dr. Young presented a proposed policy revision to DNA (Local), restructuring the T-Tess Schedule for Teacher Appraisals. The new schedule will allow administrators to focus on those teachers who need additional support in targeted areas of instruction. This presentation constituted the first reading of the proposed changes, with a vote scheduled for the August board meeting.

CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL FOR THE EXTRACURRICULAR RANDOM DRUG TESTING POLICY: Dr. Young presented the plan for the Extracurricular Random Drug Testing Policy for board approval. The plan presented was identical to the initial plan presented in March of this year, with the addition of language that allows for a parent’s voluntary enrollment of children not included in extracurricular programs. A report was given on the vendor search for the testing, with the recommendation made to select Southwest Consortium out of San Angelo as the BISD vendor, given their experience in the field and their presentation of the lowest bid among the seven bids sought and five bids received. Brad Jetton motioned for approval of the policy as presented and for awarding Southwest Consortium the vendor contract, with Diane Thompson seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Dr. Young clarified that once the policy was approved, the decision would then be made on the percentage of qualified students to be tested in the upcoming school year.

CONSIDERATION OF BANK DEPOSITORY CONTRACT: Dr. Young presented the results of written bids received as provided for by the State Board of Education rules for depository contracts. A matrix was reviewed that detailed the scoring of the bids received. Texas Bank received the highest score for the matrix. Tim Jacobs made the motion to approve a two-year depository contract with Texas Bank, and Brad Jetton seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF SFE PRICE INCREASE FOR 2017-2018 SCHOOL YEAR: Mr. Bobby Green of SFE presented a price increase proposal for school meals for the upcoming school year, as required by the federal government’s regulations regarding Consumer Price Index average increases. SFE is mandated to increase meal prices in accordance with CPI movement, resulting in the proposal to increase meals by $0.10 this year. Free and reduced-price meals will remain the same. Tim Jacobs moved that the SFE meal price increases be approved as presented, with Eric Evans seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

CONSENT AGENDA – The Board Meeting Minutes from the May 2017 meeting, as well as budget amendments that reassign budget categories for spending to accurately account for expenses were presented for consideration. Eric Evans moved that these items be approved as presented, with Tim Jacobs seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.


The board convened into Executive Session at 7:19 p.m. to discuss personnel matters. The Board reconvened the public portion of the meeting at 8:29 p.m., with no action taken from the Executive Session.


  • • Summer Leadership Institute – San Antonio, June 15–17, 2017
  • • Summer Leadership Institute – Fort Worth Omni, June 22–24, 2017
  • • District Closed – July 3–6, 2017
  • • Next Regular Meeting – August 14, 2017
  • • Budget Workshop – August 21, 2017
  • • Special Board Meeting – Approve Budget – August 28, 2017

The meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.