Brownwood News – The Brownwood ISD (BISD) Board of Trustees met for a regular session meeting on Monday, March 19, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. The session was called to order by BISD Board President Michael Cloy. Charles Lowe, pastor of Greater Faith Community Church, gave the invocation. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by East Elementary students, Spencyr Miller and Jacob Lopez.
The following groups and individuals were recognized by BISD and were presented with certificates highlighting their achievements and/or support.
8th Grade District Academic UIL Winners
Brownwood Middle School’s eighth grade students who competed in the District UIL Academic meet and placed were recognized for their individual and team achievements.

BMS 8th grade students who recently placed at the District UIL Academic meet, along with board member Dr. Lisa Fowler, BMS UIL Coordinator Melody Smith, and BMS Assistant Principal Sandra Richardson.
2018-2019 TAFE Student President
Brownwood High School junior, Kaitlyn Davis, has been elected as the 2018-2019 Student President of the Texas Association of Future Educators (TAFE). Ms. Davis ran for the office and was chosen by approximately 200 student members of TAFE from across the state.

(left to right) Board Member Eric Evans, BHS Assistant Principal Lindsay Smith, Kaitlyn Davis, and BHS teacher and TAFE sponsor, Mitzi Cockerham
- The monthly Staffing Report and Budget Update were presented to the board.
- Dr. Young recognized the BISD Spotlight honorees for the month of March. Mrs. Alysbelle Shero, teacher at Coggin Intermediate, and Mrs. Linda Cook, instructional aide at Northwest Elementary, were highlighted for teaching excellence on their respective campuses.
Departmental Reports:
ESL: Mrs. Liesa Land and Mrs. Heidi Gardner prepared an ESL report highlighting how Brownwood ISD meets the needs of students of different native languages. Currently, Brownwood ISD serves students using eight different languages other than English. The district utilizes 55 licenses through Imagine Learning software programming to engage these students in one-on-one interaction. Dr. Young noted that all of BISD’s classroom teachers, numerous support and administrative staff have completed the four-hour English Language Proficiency Standards training as required by the Texas Administrative Code.
Community Relations: Mrs. Priscilla Monson and Mr. Charles Musgrove presented the annual Community Relations report, highlighting efforts to effectively communicate with BISD families and the Brownwood community. Work done during the past year include a complete website overhaul, the newly instituted SchoolMessenger communication system, and a revised and enhanced Crisis Management plan. Ongoing efforts including website enhancements, media presence and teacher appreciation are underway.
Technology: Mr. Mark Stanley presented a Technology Report that highlighted technological advancements in the district ranging from instructional materials such as interactive instructional boards to campus safety measures including a new visitor ID system. Brownwood ISD, in its efforts to continually improve safety and security for its students and staff, is implementing the Raptor Technologies Visitor ID System, which will allow immediate background checks for all visitors to BISD campuses. Additionally, the door access control systems at Brownwood High School and Brownwood Middle School are being upgraded, with the same planned at other campuses. Mr. Stanley also reported on the system of replacing computer equipment on a five-year rotation basis for both students and teachers.
Dr. Young reported on changes to TASB Localized Policy Manual Update 110. The primary focus of this update is on Trustee elections, with language clarifications for terms of office and office positions. No process or procedural changes in trustee elections are called for in the update.
Dr. Young presented ballots to the trustees for the election of area representative to the Region 15 ESC Board, asking for them to vote and submit their ballots to Mrs. Karen Dempsey for submission to the ESC office.
Dr. Hector Martinez presented the details of the proposed five-year contract with Southwest Foodservice Excellence (SFE) for the BISD School Nutrition program. At the conclusion of the RFP process, SFE, the current school nutrition provider, placed the sole bid for the contract. Dr. Martinez highlighted the success of the current SFE program and the improvements to the proposed contract. Trustee Tim Jacobs made the motion to approve the SFE contract, with Trustee Eric Evans seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
Dr. Young presented language to supplement BISD Policy CO (LOCAL) for compliance purposes with a Feed Texas Grant of $3,602.19 secured by SFE for the district to relieve delinquent student lunch accounts. The grant language requires that local policy address lunch account delinquency limits in terms of number of days rather than dollar limits. The supplemental language proposed alters local policy to allow for a five-day limit to delinquent meal charges rather than a $10 total. This supplemental language proposal will take effect immediately and remain in effect until the end of the 2017-2018 school year, at which point the original limit of $10.00 in delinquent charges will again become effective. Trustee Eric Evans moved for approval of the supplemental language as presented, with Trustee Diane Thompson seconding the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
CONSENT AGENDA: Items on the Consent Agenda were approved unanimously as presented, with a motion by Trustee Tim Jacobs and a second by Trustee Lisa Fowler.
The items on the agenda included the following:
- IMA Annual Certification, stating that all subjects required by the state are taught to all required grade levels
- February 9, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
- February 12, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
- February 22, 2018 Board Meeting Minutes
The board moved into executive session at 7:08 p.m. to discuss personnel and trustee issues. They returned to open session at 8:04 p.m.
Trustee Eric Evans made the motion to accept the resignation of Trustee Brad Jetton, effective March 9, 2018, due to the proposed district hiring of a family member. Trustee Lisa Fowler seconded the motion, which was unanimously approved.
Trustee Tim Jacobs motioned for the approval of an appointment of Mr. Codie Smith to fill Mr. Jetton’s seat on the board until the next board election in November. Trustee Lisa Fowler seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.
- Good Friday holiday – March 30, 2018
- Next Board Meeting – April 9, 2018
- Summer Leadership Institute – Ft. Worth, Texas, June 28 – 30, 2018
The meeting adjourned at 8:08 p.m.