The Brownwood ISD is participating in the Summer Feeding Program. Meals will be provided to all children age 18 and under at no charge.
Meals will be provided at the sites and times as follows:
Northwest Elementary Cafeteria – 311 Bluffview Dr. Brownwood, TX / Monday-Thursday, June 6 – July 7, Breakfast 7:30 am – 8 am, Lunch 11:30 am -12:30 pm
Brownwood High School – 2100 Slayden Street Brownwood, TX / Monday-Thursday, June 6 – June 30,
Breakfast 7:30 am – 8 am, Lunch 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm
Boys & Girls Club – 1701 Ave L Brownwood, TX / Monday-Friday, June 6 – August 12,
Breakfast 8:15 am – 8:45 am, Lunch 12:00 pm – 12:30 pm (No meal service on July 4, 2016)