
Among the many positive remarks that were given in response to the Technology Showcase hosted by the Brownwood Independent School District on Wednesday, “What we saw today was authentic learning,” and “I applaud you,” were just a few.  Around 50 school officials from 12 different districts spanning from Comanche to Amarillo were present at the showcase.

With participants still trickling through the door, Pam McGhee, Digital Media Specialist and coordinator of the event, briefly introduced principals, administration and staff at BISD that have worked hands-on with new technology. BISD Superintendent Dr. Reece Blincoe also welcomed guests and gave a brief overview of what they would expect to see in action throughout the various campuses, including iPads, iPod Touches, Laptops, Mobi Views and V-Clickers. “I believe if you are here today you are ahead of the curve. Brownwood is definitely ahead of the curve,” Blincoe said concerning all the different types of technology to be showcased.

Blincoe addressed the most common questions of why and how BISD has been successful in both acquiring the funding and executing the movement toward incorporating the latest technology into the classroom.

“You could just feel it coming. I knew this is the way of the future and looking at some of the initiatives that TEA instituted, you could read between the lines and see that we were headed this direction,” Blincoe added during his introduction. “Floydada ISD was the starting point for [Brownwood] moving in this direction. We went and visited Floydada just like you are visiting us. I give them a lot of credit for getting this initiative going statewide.”

Equipped with a goodie-bag that included a map and schedule, participants were encouraged to visit each campus and the multiple classrooms open for the showcase.  Between 9:00 A.M. and 2:30 P.M. the teachers and students at the high school, middle school, intermediate school and elementary schools continued with their lessons but were ready to show off the still very new technology within their classrooms. Visitors were able to observe and ask questions of both the teachers and students to see how they were utilizing the tools and learning from the cutting-edge equipment BISD has obtained through the $850,000 TEA Connections Grant that was received last year.

The showcase wrapped up at the Central Office with a question-and- answer period.

“The outcomes were so positive,” said Elizabeth Gilmore, Instructional Technologist. “Everyone was impressed with the classroom activities that they saw.”

Gilmore worked closely with McGhee and the teachers involved to make sure all bases were covered when it came to presenting the various devices and how they are being used. The compliments were plentiful during the brief final discussion that covered general questions and comments about the technology.

“We went to the 4th grade at Coggin and to Intermediate,” said Libby Lancaster, a librarian visiting from a Killeen ISD elementary school. “A wealth of information was shared, and we were very excited.” 

It was mentioned several times that the students were not only enthusiastic while using the devices, but they were genuinely engaged in learning and were eager to share their accomplishments as the visitors watched students use the Apple MacBooks for research, while others sat comfortably poised at their desks, operating the V-Clickers, which are handheld remotes used to electronically submit answers to quizzes, polls, and other questions posed by the teacher.

A good amount of time was spent discussing the popular Apple iPad. John Montgomery, an Apple representative that works with BISD was available for questions and offered up some good information relating to concerns about syncing the iPad and using multiple iTunes accounts.

Fielding several questions about what was seen in the classroom, Blincoe, McGhee, Gilmore, and other staff and administration proved their knowledge and experience as well as their humility in regards to teaching and learning to use the new equipment.

“We got there one step at a time, and you will not get there overnight,” Blincoe cautioned. “You will not get there in a year. Brownwood High School is now in its third year [using the new technology], and is just now getting there.” 

Blinco also pointed out that it is both rewarding and challenging to implement new technology, especially for teachers who have used the same teaching methods for many years.

“The thing you have to remember is that you’re changing the culture of your schools, you’re changing how you teach,” Blincoe said.

“Communication is so important, and it looks like your district does that very well,” one participant commented nearing the end of the showcase.  Blincoe responded, “We love our jobs; we try to make it a fun work environment here. We all understand we have to work together.” 

Pictured above:  Christine Moore demonstrates the Mobi View device to some Technology Showcase visitors while teaching a class at Brownwood Intermediate School.  Below:  Students at Brownwood Intermediate School show some representatives from other districts how they are using the iPad in their classes as a part of Brownwood ISD’s Technology Showcase.  Photos contributed.
