5thGradePlayThe Brownwood Intermediate School fifth grade Gifted and Talented class performed a play called Stacks of Wax for their fellow students and special guests last week.  The play concluded a six week study on critical and logical intelligence.  Characters in the play were wax statues of well-known historical figures, who would come to life when people were not around.

Students researched the lives and accomplishments of the character they played, and recited their biography prior to the performance.  They also helped build the scenery, props and costumes.

Stacks of Wax was a humorous look at how famous historical personalities would view current culture and interact with each other.  The students did a remarkable job entertaining and educating their audience.

Teachers and directors were Alysbelle Shero, Tiffany Baker, and Christy Swann.

Photo Caption: A few of the characters in the fifth grade GT class performance of Stacks of Wax included (back row) Tori Jaynes (Lady Liberty), Dany Mosquesda (Abraham Lincoln), Aaron Philbrick (John F. Kennedy).  (Front Row) Tori Unsworth (Carrie Nation), Sawyer Dodds (Julius Caesar), Vivianna Delgado (Cleopatra) and Larissa Rodriguez (Mrs. Klutz, Museum Caretaker)